Blogs I follow
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Teacher |
Location | New England |
Introduction | I'm a newly-married, born-again, fabric -loving, Austen-reading, tennis- playing, Red Sox-rooting, Irish -dancing, kindred spirit. |
Interests | Sewing, reading, Internet, paper crafting, tennis, baseball, Irish dancing, honing my domestic skills |
Favorite Movies | Emma, Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Predjudice, North and South, Fever Pitch, Sabrina (new), Anne of Green Gables/Anne of Avonlea, What About Bob?, While You Were Sleeping |
Favorite Music | Lots....70s is my favorite decade.... |
Favorite Books | Shopaholic series, anything by Austen, Dickens, L.M. Montgomery, Cheaper by the Dozen, Little Women, soo many |