Janet Bodin
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Art of Nancy Wiley
- FabricImages By Joyce
- from these hands...
- Houston Center for Contemporary Craft Blog
- Little Bird Artistry
- MaryWig
- My Tate Gallery
- ROotie News
- S/V Ocean Star
- TAODA – Texas Association of Original Doll Artists
- terri kirchner's fabriKations
Introduction | Janet Bodin was born in Houston, Texas. After living in Mexico City and Rome, she returned to Texas where she graduated from Trinity University in San Antonio. She now lives in Houston with her husband and two daughters. Janet has exhibited in numerous galleries and juried exhibitions, including the International Quilt Festival, the Houston Center for Contemporary Craft, the Santa Fe International Figurative Art Experience, and the Kansas City Doll Fair. Her dolls have won awards locally and nationally. Her work has been in various publications including Art Doll Quarterly, Contemporary Doll Collector, Quilting Arts, Soft Dolls and Animals, and the books 500 Handmade Dolls and Deeper into the Woods. Janet is a member of the Original Doll Artists Council of America, the Texas Association of Original Doll Artists, Houston Area Fiber Artists, the Mixed Media Artists of Houston, the Material Girls of Houston Cloth Doll Club, and the Houston, Galveston, and Brazosport Art Leagues. |