Mailin Sands

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Real Estate
Occupation Sales Associate
Location Man-O-War Cay, Abaco, Bahamas
Introduction I live on a very small but charming and beautiful island called Man-O-War Cay with my wonderful husband of 12 years, Grant. We truly enjoy traveling together and visiting other lovely places. Top on our list is the unique city of San Francisco. As the old song goes, 'I left My Heart in San Francisco'! We also fell in love with cruising, and we were hooked on our very first cruise.
Interests I love politics, the New York Yankees, comedy movies and sitcoms. Traveling and cooking.... Oh and I do like watching Glen Beck, Hannity and Colmes and The O'Reilly Factor.
Favorite Music I like it all...well not opera :)
Favorite Books The Bible Anything Nora Roberts