Powdered Toast Man
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- The High Cost of this Low Living
- ! Showroom
- "Well, you built up a world of magic, because your real life is tragic."
- 'Just the Cheese'
- .
- .... and the pickles
- A Beer for the Shower
- According to Jewels
- Adventures & Misadventures of Daily Living
- Alex J. Cavanaugh
- Angel Eden
- Another 920 Spot
- apocalypse now
- Apple Juice and Milk
- April Blogging from A to Z Challenge
- Badass Geek
- Bart's blog
- BB Creations
- Blogging is for Dorks
- Boobies, Babies, & A Blog
- Bronx Tales & Inner Musings
- Burrowers, Books & Balderdash
- Calvin's Canadian Cave of Coolness
- CC Chronicles
- Chic & Pink
- Christi's Creations
- Cinema Obsessed
- Coach Your Mind
- Confessions of a Cashier
- Confessions of a Recovering Cynic
- Confessions of a Watery Tart
- content unrelated
- Crazy Daze & Nite Dreams
- Creepy Query Girl
- Crystal Collier: Young Adult Author
- Culture kills... wait, I mean cutlery
- CUT and DRY
- Dads UnLimited
- Dangerous With a Pen
- Day 2 Day
- Dell.icious
- Denise Covey
- Diary of a Recovering Chocoholic
- Dinosaurs! And Other Unemployment Adventures
- Dr.Clones Monster Asylum
- Dumb Guy Confessions
- Echoes of a Wayward Mind
- Edlund101-Act like ladies but think like men...
- Elizabeth Rhoades - Redhead Model, Actress, Dancer
- Em-Musing
- Every Good Thing
- Farmers Wifey
- Fourth Grade Nothing
- From Lazy to Lady
- Girl Wizard
- Guilty of Gossip
- Gypsy in my soul
- Harriet
- Hearts Make Families
- Hope Chella
- How To Blow Up Fast Food
- I am such a Derp
- In The Land Of Crazy
- Insolence Is Bliss
- It's Real Life Over Here
- Jaded Love Junkie
- Jeffrey Beesler's World of the Scribe
- Jennie Bennett, Romance Author
- Jo-Anne's Ramblings
- Jumble Bells
- Just chill...
- Just Keepin' It Real, Folks!
- Just Married with Coupons
- Just Some Stuff, Take it or Leave It
- Kelley's Break Room
- Kerri's Klutter
- klahanie
- KludgyMom
- Knees and Paws
- La Esquina de la Estrellita
- Lacefields in Love
- Laugh Out Loud
- Laughing Vault - Funny Pictures
- Left Alone With A Full Moon
- Life According to Samantha
- Life Music Laughter
- Lighten Up!
- Lindzena
- listophelia
- Little Pickle Press
- Little Voices In My Head
- Live High
- Live. Laugh. Love
- Livin the Dream
- Lizard Happy
- Love Makes The World Go Round...
- Maimes Reviews
- Make Daddy A Sammich
- Mama Diaries
- Maple Syrup Land
- Marsha's Musings
- Mass Hole Mommy
- Mayor Gia
- Missed Periods and Other Grammar Scares
- Momma's Pixie Dreams
- Mommy's Fabulous Finds
- Mother Of Pearl It Is
- mothersofbrothersblog
- Muppets For Justice
- Musings of a Confused Woman
- My Cajun Life
- My Husband Misunderstood When I Said I Was Bi
- My Inner Child Cries
- My Inner Fairy
- My Own Private Idaho
- Naughty Nothings
- nbvnmbvjmnb
- Newstuff
- nostomanic
- Once upon a daisy
- Paisley Passions
- Patrick Tillett
- Pearl, Why You Little...
- Pickleope
- Popcorn Served Daily
- ProBlogger Blog Tips
- QueendSheena
- Quiddity of Delusion
- random sherri
- Randoom Blog!
- Rantings of the Reckmonster
- RaShelle Workman
- Really?
- Road Rage!!!
- Royal Diner
- Sarcastic Granny
- Sassy Sites!
- Save Your Bacon
- School Ties and Blazers
- Sex'n'Fries Podcast
- Simple Dude in a Complex World
- Sinquiry
- Skating Buffalo
- Sophisticated Lunacy
- Spunk On A Stick's Tips
- strangers in cars.
- Stream of consciousness
- Suburb Sanity
- Sugar Filled Emotions
- Ten lives and second chances
- That 22 yr old Housewife
- that girl from around the bay
- The Adventures of being a Dick
- The Angry Lurker
- The B Spot
- The Blog O' Cheese
- The BlogOscars
- The Chopping Block
- The Chronicles of Blah Blah Blah
- The Daily Dribbles
- The Domestication of a Party Girl
- The Eclectic Company
- The Giraffability of Digressions
- The Girl Next Door Grows Up
- The Indie Chicks - Women's Online Magazine For the Indie Soul
- The Man-Cave
- The Non-Review
- The Pajama Monoblogs
- The Pulse
- The Quintessentially Questionable Query Experiment
- The Random Blogette
- The Ranter's Box
- The RudeBlog
- The Shadow of my Life
- The Sound of Sunshine
- The Squee Factory
- The Stupid Bet
- The Transformed Non-Conformist
- The Waiting is the Hardest Part
- The World in a community
- They say everyone has a story..this is mine..
- Things I Can't Say
- Think Tank Momma
- this and that...
- This Mom Needs Wine
- Thoughts from a head that never stops
- Tossing It Out
- Up Now and What's Next!
- Vive le Nerd
- Welcome to Friday Follow
- well, what I said was...
- What Would Jen Do
- What you are looking for
- Who Bakes Cupcakes
- Wild Survival Skills
- Wistful Nebulae
- Writing Unleashed with Laura M. Harkins
- xx
- ♥ Marcy ♥
Gender | Male |
Industry | Banking |
Occupation | Head Teller |
Location | mahopac, ny, United States |
Introduction | Having a piece of toast for a head is difficult. I get attacked by birds every time I go outside. I can trick the squirrels by tossing buttered rolls at them. |
Interests | Movies, blogging, food, board games, bowling, humor, football and cheese. |
Favorite Movies | Too tough a question |
Favorite Music | Green Day |
Your superpower is that you smell like dandelions whenever someone lies. How will you maintain your secret identity?
Lot of cologne