hope and love

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location India
Introduction U can describe me in three words. WOMAN-DOC-FRIEND. As a Woman, I love, care and nurture.. Its also periods, PMS and hormones.. Its being discriminated in the workplace.. Difficulty in traveling in the dark.. Suppressing my anger up for domestic peace.. Its a life long affair with clothes, cosmetics jewels and fashion.. It is also endless Shopping, Cooking, Cleaning and Housekeeping... As I DOC I heal, sooth and Guide. Its also hard work, Sleepless nights, diagnostic dilemmas, Cancer, Dying,Death and Abortion It is being taken for granted , facing consumer cases from my patients and professional jealousy. Friendship is caring sharing comforting ,joking and laughing together. It is also envy, jealousy and betrayal..
Interests Human beings
Favorite Movies dead man walking, white oleander, stepmom, gods must be crazy, thoovanathumbikal, autograph, amaram
Favorite Music Jagajith Singh..RD.Burman, Dhakshina Moorthy
Favorite Books The Bible, Simple Abundance, When all you have ever wanted is not enough, Confident Woman

You've written a hit musical! How will you avoid having fame go to your head?

I will try for a super duper muscical hit..!!!