My blogs
- My Crafty Retreat
- Hope, Dreams and Butterflies
- Little Tassie Terrors
- Aerynns Journey
- My Quest For "the Simple Life"
- My Cooking File
Blogs I follow
- (born under a) paper moon
- *Buttercups and Blossoms*
- 123 Challenge
- 6 Acres of Heaven
- :: The Everyday Mum ::
- <center>Di's Scrapbook Shop<br>Just-Fabulicious<br></center>
- A Crafter's Passion
- A thousand sheets of paper
- A Year of Slow Cooking
- Abundantias Gold
- Action Pact
- Adam's Journey 3
- All About Bec and Dan
- Allergy Friendly Family
- Allred Design Blog
- Amandas Scrap Swaps
- an Uninterrupted view
- Art of Love
- ARTastic Challenge Blog
- Artful Affirmations
- autism sucks
- Baking for Sanity
- Beach Vintage
- Beke Norris
- Best Creation Inc.
- Best World of Warcraft Blog
- Bev's Country Cottage Blog
- Bits n' Bobs
- blog this:
- Blossoms blog
- bon's scraps
- Born without a Pancreas - A journey with a Insulin Dependent Neonate
- Bubblebubs Blog
- Burdy's Embellies
- Buttons and Bows and More
- Catie's Craft Corner
- Cen's Loft
- Chloe's Creative Corner
- Christian's Beach
- chronicles of a fat girl named miss tejota
- Colorful Creations
- Come Rain Or Come Shine
- Cottage Hill
- Craftalicious Caper
- Creative Confessions
- Creative Crece
- Creative Scrappers
- creativity and love
- CuddleBuggery
- Dawn Lewis Imagery
- Delightful Inspiration
- Diary of a Stay at Home Mom
- down to earth
- Easily Distracted.
- Enjoying the Small Things
- Envi♥us
- Everyday Created
- Exclusively Food
- FA Family Recipes
- Forever Always Online
- Frills in the Hills
- Funky Food--Feeding Kids Allergic to Food
- Good, yeah
- Green Tara
- Harrison's Story
- Harry's Scrappin Mum
- Helmar USA Design Team
- Home Is Where The Heart Is
- I am Sam, Sam I am.
- I might get bucked off
- Imaginisce Blog
- It's Just Paper
- Jasmine's Scrapvine
- Jodi's Scraphaven
- Just about Jodster
- Kellie Winnell
- kerry-scrapskerry.blogspot.com/
- Kirsten's scrappy place
- Kortfrälst
- KrAzEe Scrub KaPs - Quality Scrub/Chef Caps
- Leisha's Blog
- LG's Scrapbook World
- Life Behind The Lines
- Life, Love and Scrapping
- Lil' Red Rocket
- Little Birdie Secrets
- Little C's Creations: Creating with Jen
- Little Miss Shabby
- Little Sparrow - Natural Toys and Handwork Supplies
- Little Tassie Terrors
- Love.Peace.Create
- Mad for Markers blog
- Madmother: Little Woven Words
- MakingMotherhoodFun
- Mama Ogg's Cookbook
- Me and the Little Rascals
- Meaninless Meandering from a Madmother
- Mein Spatz
- Mel Stampz
- Melbourne Doula
- Memoirs of a Madhouse Mum
- Mennonite Girls Can Cook
- Merry Memoirs Of Me
- Mich L. in L.A.
- Mistra Hoolahan
- Mixed Media Art, Healing &amp; Wellness with Willowing
- Move Fuel Love
- Multi-photo Scrapbooking Layouts Gallery
- MummyRants
- Musings &amp; Memories
- My 4 Reasons..
- My boys, my world!
- My Crafty Retreat
- my creative outlet
- my creative ramblings
- My head space
- my life in lowercase
- My Little Bit of Whimsy
- My Little Pie With FPIES
- My Paper Owl
- My Photo-a-Day 2011
- My Scrappy Journey -
- My Shabby Streamside Studio
- My Stamping Place
- Nay and Gilly
- New Adventures In Dreamworld
- nicnac
- Nicole Martel
- Ninabrook Designs
- Not All Tea and Scones
- Once Upon A ...Sketch
- One Scrappin' Mama
- Only Parent Chronicles
- Our Bright Stars and Us
- Our Family
- Parenting a child with Multiple Food Allergies
- Penniless Parenting
- PinkiePinkie Buttons
- Portraits Of Life
- Pretty Paper Petals
- Princess Nicola
- Purple Pumpkin
- Random Ramblings of a SAHM
- Red Earth Scrapping
- Redantscrap...
- Redcliffe Style
- Retta
- Rising Waters Flood Appeal for Crafters
- Scrap - n - Dance
- Scrap the Boys
- Scrap The Girls
- Scrapability Sketches
- Scrapbook habit
- Scrapbooking Top 50 Australia
- scrapbooking2angels
- scraphappykat
- Scrapparazzi
- Scrappin Vickstar!
- Scrapping Outback
- Scrapping, Sewing and Day to Day Life!
- Scrappy Days
- Scraps of Me
- Scraps Of Me
- Scrapville
- See My Footprints...
- Selkie Smith Sews
- she's got issues
- show us your stuff
- Skipper
- Splashes of Colour
- Stella's Galaxy
- Stitch of Love
- Storyboard Kits | Australia
- Stuck?!
- Stuff and Things
- Sue Plumb Designs
- Suits Me To A 'T'
- Sunny Mummy
- Sunny Side Up
- Susanne&#39;s creative place &amp; thinking space
- Sweet Life Scrapbooking
- The Scrapbooking Haven
- The Adventures of a Modern Day Puddle Duck
- The Andersons Big Adventure
- The BIGGEST Little Blog on the WEB
- The Kings
- The random world of Lisa
- The Ribbon Girl Blog
- The Scrap Farm
- The Stamping Bazaar
- The White's Family Blog
- thepaintbrushgoesspottie
- Tickled Pink Stamps
- Tidbitz In Time
- TRAM Tales
- Two Organs Short
- Unperfect Life
- Vivian Maier - Her Discovered Work
- Want What You Have
- Welcome to Eb's Space
- What About Me ?
- White..with 1
- Wild About Scrap
- Zinga's Zoo
Industry | Human Resources |
Location | Nangwarry, South Australia, Australia |
Introduction | Mum to Aleksandir, Kahli, William, Domenik, Aerynn and Tobias. Busy seems to my mode at the moment ;) |
Interests | Scrapbooking, gardening, reading, family. Learning new things if I can find the time... |
Favorite Movies | hmmm have to say the Labyrinth - yes I'm a child of the 80's LOL |
Favorite Music | Just about anything - really enjoying goth metal at the moment - yes I'm rather eccentric in my music tastes LOL. Nightwish is one of my favourites in this genre. Also enjoy the more sedate, country, pop, rock and dare I throw in classical :P |
Favorite Books | Anything by Paulina Simmons - Love the Bronze Horseman trilogy!!! |
When you spilled the milk, did it look like the moon?
The ability to spill milk implies that there is some left after the kids have had their breakfast!