Just Jon
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- .
- // Atlantic-Pacific
- A Day in the Life... of Redhead Jen
- Beta Dad
- Born This Way Blog
- Confessions of a Cha Cha Diva
- Crown Jewels Of Pop
- Cupcakes By Cha Cha
- D10 Watch
- Daily Cup of Couture
- daisies and dandelions
- Diana's Little Kitchen
- Forgotten Old Photos
- HE_rollercoaster
- IKEA Hackers
- kristine mays
- Little Brown Pen
- Lost Pop Treasures
- Matt's nyc adventures....
- Mind Thoughts & Ink Blots
- Naked Cupcakes
- Official Blogger Blog
- Rainy Day Cooking
- Red Means Go
- Rene Gets Used to Being a Dad
- See Jane.
- shooting brooklyn blog
- Simple Dude in a Complex World
- Sincerely, Bridget
- The Isle Of Deserted Pop Stars
- The Kennedy Chronicles
- The Milk & Honey Valley
- The MUNIverse & me
- theStyleSafari
- Triton Cove
- ♥ the little wife ♥
Gender | Male |
Location | San Francisco, CA |
Introduction | --------------"Borderline Tacky" |
Interests | Why Just Jon? My parents gave me the three letter version of a very common name. You wouldn't think an "H" would be a big deal. But my whole life I have had to explain over and over that, "No, my name is not short for Jonathan. Yes, I am sure. It's just Jon." So when I was trying to decide what to call this blog, Just Jon seemed rather appropriate. Cheers to the Jons out there with no "H"! |