Doc McCoy

My blogs

About me

Occupation Freelance Graphic Designer/ DJ/ Promoter
Location Southampton, United Kingdom
Introduction The Say Whoa! Party Programme is run by R-Kid, Cpt. Kerk, Doc McCoy & i-Dope. We share a mutual love for music, art & design, videos, general tomfoolery and everything in between. We are just like you. We've acquired a genetically altered handshake capable of up to 9 different warp speeds. Hair arranged by the most advanced landscape surveillance operators our pay packets can afford. We have very expensive pens. We use big words quite often in substitution for semantically equivalent words. We attribute this success to our professional demeanour, a strong stock portfolio and travelling through space in search of other life forms. Though it may not appear so, we are quite comfortable in our surroundings. Welcome... Please do have a look around.