I, Me, Myself

About me

Gender Male
Industry Engineering
Location Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Introduction I m wat I m, cz' f wat I was.
Interests Programming, Analyzing Algos, Movies, Songs, Browsing Net and f.r.i.e.n.d.s
Favorite Movies RDB, Swades, VeerZaara, Matrix Trilogy, LOTR, HP(1-5), The Departed, The Island, Final Fantasy, Serenity, Chicken Little, Pursuit of HappYness, CHildren of Men, A Beautiful Mind, Shawshank Redemption, The Notebook, and lotzzz
Favorite Music No Particular fav. I like all kind of music be it Hindi, English, Tamil, but only GOOD music.
Favorite Books Not so Bookish Person. But did read Dan Brown Books, JKR's HP series and Chetan Bhagats books.

The love potion you made tastes terrible. How will you drink it?

Love??? What the hell u mean by that. :P