Anurag Shrivastava

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Human Resources
Occupation Performance & Rewards Professional @ Vodafone India
Location Hyderabad, India
Introduction Heya !! A writer, a poet with interests which swing from soft rock to trekking.A firm believer that technology can change our world for the better.A free spirit..exploring the possibilities of life !! Life journey from a Biology major in high school to Engineering in Graduation to now a Human Resource professional post MBA. But that's all the day ; a writer, thinker, tech buff, sports fanatic by the night !! Active in Social Development Sector, a voracious reader and a die-hard Manchester United fan !!

"Insanity was not a refuge... It was home...Intelligence they said can take you only so needed to be mad to be in the reckoning" ~ Ashk

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Interests sports, music, poetry, sketching, technology
Favorite Books Read about it on my Goodreads profile -