My blogs
- Cricut Cardz Challenge
- Cardz TV Gallery
- Simple Cooking with Mary
- Action Wobbles
Blogs I follow
- Nana Donna's Card Dreams
- CA Scrapper
- lenny's kaartensite
- Nanne's Creations
- Lisa's Creative Niche
- Lizzie Laine Designs
- PinkBellaMia
- Nanny's Pansy Patch
- Deanette's Delight
- Created by Sunshine HoneyBee
- The Queen's Card Castle
- "Stryders Journey"
- ****Craftycards4u2****
- .
- .
- 2 Chicks on a Limb
- 2muchfun
- <center><b>Scrap, Color, Read &amp; Repeat</b></center>
- <center>Jen's Creation Station</center> <center>Studio</center>
- A Cookin' and a Craftin'
- A Country Twinkle
- A Little Bit of Bling
- A Mermaids Crafts
- A Paper Journey
- A Place For My Cards
- A Studio in My Basement
- A Techy Teacher with a Cricut
- A Touch on Pink
- A Wee Blether
- A Work of Heart by Cathryn
- Action Wobbles
- Addicted to Cardmaking
- Adventures of a Volunteer
- Airing out
- all for the grandkids
- All Little Things Included
- Amor's Scraps
- An'Jenic Creative Space
- Anita's Backyard Photography
- ariksbane
- Artsyfartsy
- Ashley's Creations
- Ashleys Cards
- ATuttleTime...Time to craft!
- Aunt Bee's Pickles
- Auntie Marg&#39;s Blog &amp; Crafty Stuff
- Barb Smith Designs
- Barb's Hobby Highlights
- Beach Front Greetings
- Becki's Challenge Blog
- Becks Cricards
- Been There Salvaged That
- Bernadet's Craft Blog
- Beverly's Blog
- bingosmum
- Blossoming Butterfly Creations
- Brenda's Joyful Creations
- Bug 'n Me Creations
- Bug - Bitten Disney Fanatic
- BugBites
- Bumblebee Creations
- Busy Bees Craft Place
- Butterfly Girl
- By Adrian 4 U
- Candice's Design Studio
- Candy's Craft Corner
- Capri's Delights
- Card Challenges &amp; More
- Card Collectanea
- Card Expressions of Love
- CardMonkey's Paper Jungle
- Cards and Crafts by Sheree
- Cards and Things by Tina
- Cards By Georgia
- Cards Made by Hand, Too
- Cards, cards, cards, by Cricut &amp; me
- Cards, Crafts &amp; Layouts
- cardstockscissorsandglue
- Cardz TV Gallery
- Carol's Cards
- Carol's Creative Corner ♥
- Carol's Paperplayce
- Carol's sweet creations!
- Carolina to Alaska
- Carolyn's Crafty Creations
- Carson's Creations
- Cathe&#39;s Crafts &amp; Tasty Treats...
- Catherine's Imagination
- Cathie's Evil Queen Crafting
- Chloe Cards
- Chrissy's Craftin' Corner
- Corri Garza
- CPR - Craft, Pray Repeat
- Craft Junkie Too
- Crafted With Love By Karen
- Craftee Cards
- Craftin Desert Divas Blog
- Crafting with Courtney
- Crafting with Cristina
- Crafting With Nana
- crafting with patty
- Crafts &amp; coffee
- Crafts By Amanda and other things along the way
- Crafts By Joann
- Crafty Chic's
- Crafty Creations
- Crafty Homemade
- Crafty Moments
- Crafty Scentiments
- CraftyCricut's Place
- CraftyNurse98
- cravinscrappin
- Crazy About Cricut
- Create - A - Card by Anne
- Create with La'Diva
- Created by Connie
- Creating with the Heart
- Creations by Cheri
- Creations by DeAnna
- Creations by Julie
- Creations By Rachelle
- creationsbyGina
- Creative Bug on the Loose
- Creative Cricut Designs &amp; More....
- Creative Curly Jessica
- CreativePrincess
- Cricut Cardz Challenge
- cricut craftin grammy
- Cricut Crazy
- Cricut Diaries
- Cricut My Way
- CricutCRAZYLisa
- cricutology
- Crop &amp; Create
- Cthisss
- Cupcake Craft Challenges
- Cut One Designs by Robin
- Cutesie Paper Crafts
- Cutting After Dark
- D'sign S.O.S.
- Dana's Imagination Creations
- Darlene's Place
- DazyCutr's Corner
- DD'sCrafts
- Deanna's Papercrafts
- Deanne's Crafting Adventures
- Debbie's Doodles
- Decorating with One Pink Chic
- Dee's Bugaboo Boutique
- DeeLightful Co. - Antiques &amp; Crafts
- Design Craz-E
- Designing with Michelle
- Diana's Designs
- Diane's Crafty Place
- Diane's Creations
- Dibberdabber's Cardegories
- dillpickles
- Dizzy Lizzy's Creations
- Doodle Palace
- DoubleClick Connections LLC
- DSJM Designs
- Dustin Pike Draws
- Eats n Feats
- Eclectic Paper Delights
- Elizabeth Mae's
- Elizabeth Mae's Challenge's
- Ellibelle's Corner
- Ema's-A-Creating
- Embellishartist
- Essence of Paper
- extremelycrafty
- Flowerdisco's Scrap Hut
- For Fun Challenges
- FR Creaciones
- Frenzied Fabrications
- Friday Sketchers
- Friends Craftin' with Friends
- gabbybug the craft luver
- Gaby's Stylish Expressions
- Gerda's Cards Creations
- Gina's Crafting Spot
- Girlia's Cards
- Glenda's Cards
- Glora's Crafts
- Gnat-The Creative Bug
- Gramma&#39;s Cards &amp; Stuff
- Gray Florals
- GreenScrapinMachine
- Hallmark Ladybugs
- Handmade by Jenn
- Handmade by R &amp; B
- Happy Scrapper
- Helen's Halo Hangout
- Honeybearz Designs
- I Like Paper
- icraft2create
- ifr
- imagine what you could do
- Inspiration and Creativity
- iScrap
- Jak
- Jane's Keepsakes
- Janie's Creative Corner
- Janna's Creative Outlet
- Jellypark Challenges
- Jen Spends and Scraps
- Jinger Adams
- Joanne Davies
- Joy's Paper Addiction
- Judester's World
- Just Coffee Please... &amp; Stamps, &amp; Ribbons, &amp; Paper
- Just for the Ink of It!
- Just me and my Cricut....
- JustWordz
- JustYolie by The Maker Session
- Kaleidoscopic Sparkles
- Kall Cardz
- kards by kathi
- Karen's Creative Ramblings
- Karen's Krafty Moments
- Karlee Krafts
- katieO'S
- KATSpaperfinds
- Kattyxotica's Kreations
- Kazzys Creations
- Kim&#39;sCards&amp;Crafts
- Kim's Scrappy Space
- Kimberly's Crafty Spot
- Kindred Kreations
- Kissin' Krafts
- Kitt's World
- Kiwi Card Maker
- Kleirr's Kreation
- Kraftie Guru
- KraftyKatsy's Krafty Blogspot
- Kreative Stampin'
- Kricut Korner of Vermont
- Kristin's Kraft Korner
- Krystal Klear Creations
- Ladybug Scraping and Stuff
- LadybugLair
- LauraLeesDream
- Lea Lawson Creates
- Leighs Creations
- Lena's Creations
- Lexie's Scrap Room
- lil card factory
- lilbit of my world
- Lisa's Scrap'n Shack
- Little Scrap Pieces
- littledott
- Liv So emBellished
- Live for Scrappin'
- Live Love and SCRAP!
- LMD Stampin
- Love 4 Stamps
- Love That Expressions!
- LovetoCreateCards
- Loving Life - One Moment At A Time
- Luv 2 Scrap n' Make Cards
- Luv Scrapping Together
- Luv-To-Scrap
- Lydbug
- M.A.G. Challenge by the Page
- made by dawnica
- Made by Freddy
- Made by Momo
- magical Creative Inspiration by Michele Spera
- Mango Island
- Marthaville
- Marylou's News
- Mee Mee's Creations
- Melissa Made
- MeriScrapper13's Cottage
- Michelle Peak Creations
- MightyCrafty
- Mimi's Craft Corner
- Miss Kate Cuttables
- Mississippi McGyver
- MizMaryAnn Creates
- Moe Creations
- Moe'Scrap
- Mojo Monday - The Blog
- Mollie's Motif
- Monique Griffith Designs
- Monique's weblog
- Monster Mama
- More Fun Scraps
- More Than Favors
- Mrs B's craft room
- MsTassja's Blog
- Mud Pie Reality
- Musings on my life
- Must Be Crafty
- My Blog Adventure
- My Craft Spot
- My Crafty Life
- My Creative Time
- My Fantabulous Life
- MY LIFE by Silke Ledlow
- My Little Spot of Sanity
- My Lollipop Garden
- My Mindful Creations
- My Pink Stamper
- My Place to Blog in Wyoming
- My Purple Playroom
- My Sanity Spot
- My Scrapbooking Hideaway
- My Scrappy Cupcake
- My Scrappy Page
- My Slice Of Life
- My WhichCraft
- N2 ScrapN 4 Fun
- Naked N Sexy Photos Gallery
- Nan's Cards, Scraps, and Things
- Nana's Craftin' Buddy
- Nancy's Kreations
- Nancy's Simply Sweet Sentiments Custom Cards
- Naniwale
- NathalieJ's Creative Corner
- Nigel &amp; Sola
- Nonnie's Scrap Room
- Nothin' Fancy
- OKScrappinMama
- Oleebowlee Inspirations
- One Scrap at a Time
- OScrappyDayz
- Paints and Glitter © art with encouragement
- Pampered Pink in Alaska
- Paper Addict
- Paper and Lace
- Paper and Scissors Rock!
- Paper As Fabric
- Paper Cutz Challenge
- Paper Ecstasy
- Paper Moose
- Paper Playtime
- Paper Possibilities... Toadily Handmade!
- PaperCLIPS!
- Papered Cottage by Shellye McDaniel
- Papergravitation
- Paperimaa
- Papertake Weekly Challenge
- Papier Gardens
- Passion 4 Crafting
- Passion For Crafts
- Passionately Paper
- Patti's Paper Fun
- Pause Dream Enjoy
- Peashoe Paper Craft
- Penny's Page
- Pineapple Lounge Creations
- Pink and Paper
- Pink Lulu Studio
- pinkpapercrowns
- Popsicle Toes
- Potpourri of Art Deco
- Prairie Wildflower Designs
- Precious Thoughts,
- Princess' Paper Projects
- Purple Monkey Moments
- Purrfect Sentiments
- Rachelle's Creative Place
- Ramblings of a Texas Craft Room
- Random Generation
- Random Acts of Dubiousness
- Random Creativeness
- RBWgold
- RBWgold
- Ready2Design4U
- Rhonda's Place to Share
- Ribbons &amp; Glue
- rican stamper
- roe's creations
- Rox Paper Scissors — Paper Crafting with Vintage Adornments
- Runnergirl Creations
- Runs with Scraps...
- S S Crafter
- Samantha's Handmade Cards
- Sarah's Stamping and Stuff
- Schell's Craft Corner
- Scrap Happie
- Scrap n Sew with Amy
- Scrap Or Not To Scrap
- Scrap With Suzy
- Scrap-Making
- Scrapbkmom's Corner
- Scrapbooks, Crafts, and Cards, Oh My!
- Scrapcat Cards by Linda
- Scrapdoll7 Creations
- ScrapHappy Paper Crafter
- scraphappyjacci
- Scrappers Creative Corner
- Scrappin 5 Little Cupcakes
- Scrappin and Happy
- Scrappin and More!
- Scrappin Madge
- Scrappin Nana
- Scrappin' Ky Momma
- Scrappin' with DeeDee
- scrappinC
- Scrapping Fun with Tonya
- Scrapping in a Zoo
- Scrapping With Glitter
- ScrappinMamma's Crafty Creations
- scrappinwithjack
- Scrappy Frogs Challenge Blog
- Scrappy Land, USA
- Scrappy Mel
- Scraps &amp; Scarves
- Scraps by Sissy
- Scraptastic Grammy
- SDK's Scraptuary
- September Ninth Designs
- Sew Many Cards
- SH Blog
- Shanna's Designs
- She's a Sassy Lady
- Shelley's Cards
- Shelly's Creations
- shellys craft blog
- Sherri's Creative Outlet Blog
- Sherri's Love, Laughter, and Creations!
- Sheryl's Crafting Corner
- show love - make cards
- Simple Cooking with Mary
- Simple Southern Blessings
- Simply Crafts
- Simply Elegant Paper Crafts
- Simply Pam
- Simply Pink
- Simply Silhouette
- SimplyFabulous!
- Sleepy Cat Crafts
- SLO Farmgirl
- Sooner Scrap Spot
- Stamp Something
- Stamp, Paper and Ink
- Stampin Felkatz
- Stampin' For Sanity
- Stampin' Up with DeNetra
- Stamping and Crafting with Loretta
- Stamping In The Light
- Stamps 'n Jewels
- Stamps, Paper, Scissors and Donkey Smiles
- Star's Paper Passion
- Staying Crafty
- Steampunk
- Stephanie's Messy Corner
- Striving for Creativity
- StuckOnUSketches
- sue's crafty mess
- sunshinebling
- Sunshines Scrap Place
- Sunshiny Thoughts
- susanscreativespace
- Sweet Bloomin Scraps
- Sweet Delights Paper and More
- Sweet n' Sassy Stamper
- Sweet Sketch Wednesday
- Talent is Optional
- TandaStamps
- Tani's Terrific Creations
- Teachdanz
- The Art of Papercrafts
- The Charmed Life
- The Craft Hot Spot
- The Crafty Kitchen
- The Embellished Card
- The Freckled Crafter
- The Fruit Of My Hands
- The Grubery
- The Happy Stamper :)
- The Legal Crafter
- The Oromocto Crafter
- The Paper Junkie Designs
- The Pink Dawg House
- The Scrap Diva
- The Scrapbooking Queen
- The Scrapbooking Queen- Princess Penelope
- The Scrapbooking Queen-Royal Challenge
- The Scrappin' Tortoise
- The Scrappy Redheads
- The Squeaky Scrapper
- Theresa's Crafty Creations
- TheSmithHotel
- This Everyday Life
- Thoughts of a Cardmaking Scrapbooker!
- Time 4 T
- Time For Scrappin
- Timeless Legacy Designs
- Tisha's Craft Cove
- TnTreasuredmemories
- to bea...
- Tomorrow's Treasure
- Tracy's Cricut Corner
- Treasured Dreams
- Tryin 2 Craft
- TurnedGypsy
- Two Scraptastic Gals
- Under A Cherry Tree
- Unscripted Sketches
- Victoria Scraps
- Victoria's Junk
- Wahoo Crafts
- Wanda's Whimsical Wonders
- Welcome to Ginny Bearcub's Scraproom
- Where'd All My Money Go?!
- WhichCraft
- Whimsy Inspirations Blog
- Wilson Designs Stamps
- Women to Women: Sharing Jesus
- Xo, Netra
- Yorkie Mom Scrapping
- youracard
- ~Crafty J's Place~
- ~Jo's Scrap Shack~
- ♥Scrappin_3rdeeschik♥
Gender | Female |
Location | United States |
Introduction | Welcome to my blog! I'm a former scrapbook store owner who loves to make cards, scrapbook and bake. I'm also "mama" to an adorable little long-haired chihuahua named Sophie. If you'd like to leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you. Thanks for stopping by! |
Interests | Cardmaking, Scrapbooking & Baking |
Favorite Movies | Fireproof, Facing the Giants, Mamma Mia |
Favorite Music | Casting Crowns, Sugarland, The Fray, The Beatles, Soundtrack from Mamma Mia |