Tasker Dunham

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Occupation Would be writer who didn't have the guts to do it full time when he was of working age.
Location West Yorkshire, England
Introduction This memoir is based on people, places, things and events I knew, with some names and details altered to avoid difficulties. I write out of interest in how things have changed, not out of nostalgia. I grew up in Yorkshire and worked in Leeds before going to university late, and then lived in various places around the U.K. before returning to Yorkshire where I now live with my wife and sometime boomerang family. I have worked in accountancy, computing and higher education, as well as in temporary jobs in factories. I tend to post three or four times each month, sometimes more. In April, 2022, without any prior symptoms or warning, I had a seizure caused by a brain tumour. The cancer keyword links to more. I have no idea how much longer I have.
Interests Failed polymath.