o cozinheiro este algarve
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- A Slice of Cherry Pie
- Belleau Kitchen
- Chá com Água Salgada
- For Forks Sake
- Gum Bichromate Photographs
- Into the Soup
- Leite's Culinaria
- Life and style: Word of Mouth blog | guardian.co.uk
- Marmaduke Scarlet
- Northern Snippet
- o cozinheiro este algarve
- o estado da cozinha portuguesa
- o jardineiro este algarve
- RaW Umbra
- Reads, Cooks, Eats
- Three Fat Ladies
- www.epicurious.com/articlesguides/blogs/
Gender | Male |
Introduction | I´m a self-taught cook.From my childhood in Scotland through growing up in South East England, my mother was my formative influence. Holidays in Europe, America,Africa and Scandinavia fed me with culinary inspiration. Fifteen years of holidaying in Tavira, led me to up roots and follow the dream to live in Portugal. Here in Castro Marim we run a small guest house, Casa Rosada.Relocation has opened my eyes and taste buds to how recipes and their ingredients can change and develop when incorporated into another country´s food culture and how foreigners like myself adapt the local dishes,bringing a new slant to them.In the last three years I have been researching and cooking traditional Portugueses dishes and then inventing a modern twist to them. I´ve started this food blog so I can share new recipes and a slice of Algarvian life here at Casa Rosada here in Castro Marim. |