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Industry Communications or Media
Occupation Professional Critic
Location MOTOWN
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Introduction About dewey from detroit: Dewey is a small panda from the Detroit metropolitan area. He is post-partisan, post-racial, post-Derrida and totally into that hopeychangey thing. He is a great admirer of Ronauldus Magnus, and has a photograph of Barry Goldwater hanging to the right of his desk. Although a Capitalist to the core, Dewey dedicates this site, free of charge, to all free thinkers left on earth, realizing that won't require much bandwidth. He hopes to use his website to expose the enemies of rational thought, capitalism, free markets and freedom itself. What more do you want from him? Dewey from Detroit's creds: Formal education and work experience spans the arts, sciences and business. He therefore feels qualified to comment on everything.
Interests oh yES!
Favorite Movies Shane
Favorite Books "Capitalist Manifesto, " by Andrew Bernstein, "Economic Facts and Fallacies, " by Thomas Sowell