
My blogs

About me

Introduction Things with me change too quickly to write down. I am AVERAGE and that's okay. AVERAGE is an overused word with a thin vernier of truth. It's a product of this modern notion that we can and should become the images of perfection that they are selling. In reality we are all uniquely exceptional. Even the most plain and simple one of us can change another life or serve as a catalysts creating explosive reactions globally. Faith is the key, the magical elixir, the philosopher's stone and the thing that I struggle with the most. Faith not of Gods or written words but of your ability to impact and change the physical world, is what turns average people into Heroes. It's the universal flow of energy and hope that tames all. It is the wind that carries you over to the other side of doubt and gives you freedom to live. Growth and faith come from personal experience. Your life is yours, live it your way and grow.