
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Industry Student
Introduction "What I had thought morbid and shameful and ignominious is in reality awesome and mind-expanding and even glorious - my previous estimate being merely a phase of man’s eternal tendency to hate and fear and shrink from the utterly different." HPL
Interests Fantasy, anime a manga, jídlo, lenošení, RPG, pc hry, kočkofilství a jakékoliv další infantility
Favorite Movies The Room, Requiem for a Dream, Město ztracených dětí, Watchmen, X 1999, Tekkon Kinkreet, GITS
Favorite Music dark ambient, darkwave, metal, neofolk, ...
Favorite Books Malazské knihy padlých, Píseň ledu a ohně, Černá legie, Idiot, Princ ničeho, NOiSE, ..