My blogs
- The Sweetheart Tree community blog for stitchers
- Mary Wigham SAL Lietuva
- CHS and Barrick Samplers community blog for embroideres, stitchers
- La D Da lovers and stitchers' blog
- The Worlds Largest Collection of Smalls
- Blackbird Designs
- Blackbird Designs - community blog for embroiderers, stitchers
- Upside Down
- SAL Leporello
- World of My Dreams
Blogs I follow
- SubRosa
- Notforgotten Farm
- * Between Crosses with Nina *
- *Stitches by Carin*
- ......
- 1000 рукоделок
- A Cozy Little Place for Stitching, Reading and Other Stuff
- A Note of Friendship
- Able hands by Juli
- allthebeautifulchristmas
- Anita's Stitching
- atmosfera di casa
- BeckySC's Chart Hop
- Blackbird Designs - community blog for embroiderers, stitchers
- Blackbird Designs - One stitch at a time
- Blueberry
- BlueberryJam
- bohoknits
- Carrot style
- Cart Before The Horse
- casa cuori colori
- Classic & Seamless Knitting Patterns for Everyone!
- Colour Adventures and Knitting Adventures
- Cozy Corner
- Cuore e Batticuore
- Daiktų istorijos
- Dans la souricière
- David's cottage down the hill.
- Due South
- Elena Grishina
- Embroidery ... The holiday, which is always with me...
- emmafassioknitting
- Flowermouse Design
- Groovybaby....and mama
- Hildi's Good Life
- homelife
- Hopeful Threads
- Il Bastimento ...
- Il contafili
- Il giardino delle ortensie
- Irma Peredne
- Iuliania - My Sewing, Knitting Notes and More
- Kalinka. Ручная работа
- Knitting from Hel
- Knitting With Sandra Singh
- l'atelier perdu blog
- La Comtesse & Le Point De Croix
- Learn to finish with the Twisted Stitcher
- LionessArts
- Made by LaFleur
- Marie's quilts
- Mary Wigham SAL Lietuva
- mausimom
- michele made me
- Mieli namai
- Mon Trompe L'Oeil
- My little things ♥
- my Needle Art
- my real life
- N e e d l e p r i n t
- Nicole's Needlework
- Olli's Blog
- OlliToyz
- Piccole cose antiche
- Polka Knits
- Prietelius Hotel
- primitivebettys
- Rainbow Knitting
- Ricamo in Mostra
- ROMY in Austria
- Ruffles And Stuff
- Samplers and Santas
- Sew Sweetness
- Shabby soul
- Stitching by a Cornish Seashore
- Stitching Dreams
- StraightGrain. A blog about sewing
- Sunny with a Chance of Knitting
- Svajonių fotografija
- Technicolor Kitchen - English version
- The Little Stitcher
- The Primitive Apple
- The Scarlett House
- The Scientific Seamstress
- The Snowflower Diaries
- The Sweetheart Tree community blog for stitchers
- Ulch4a
- Ulla
- Upside Down
- vasylynkiny дорожки
- Victorian Motto Sampler Shoppe
- voolyvooly
- wondrlanding
- Working With My Hands
- World of My Dreams
- Yarn Madness
- YarnOnTheHouse
- Zaaberry
- безделица
- Быстрые сны
- В гостях у Джульетты
- Вышивка с историей
- Елениум
- За петелькою-петелька
- Золотой Ключ
- Излечу и исцелю! Всегда Ваш, А...
- Карусель рукоделия
- Кулинарная книга Алии
- Личное пространство
- На осонні
- Нелишние подробности. Вышивка крестиком.
- Нитки, ножницы, бумага
- ОлесевеселО
- Привет от старых штиблет!
- Рукодельный блог Тильды
- Серафима и Скрапбукинг
- Страна Мурландия
- Таинственные вещицы - Mysterious knickknacks
- Творческая лаборатория маниакальной кошатницы
Gender | Female |
Occupation | SAHM and Homeschooling |
Location | Vilniaus raj., Lithuania |
Interests | Cross Stitch, Knitting, Reading |
Favorite Movies | Dogma, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Deja-Vu, The Matrix, Match Point, The Hours |
Favorite Music | The Beatles, Norah Jones, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, The Cure, Аквариум, Кино, Мумий Тролль, ДДТ, Skamp, Gravel, Jurga, rock, jazz |
Favorite Books | Булгаков. Мастер и Маргарита; Gabriel Garcia Marquez. One Hundred Years Of Solitude |