Shannon Young
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Janet Reid, Literary Agent
- | The Official Blog of Gathering Books
- *An English Travel Writer*
- .:♡* My♥Dear♥Chopsticks *♡:.
- [Insert suitably snappy title here...]
- A 20 Something Muddle
- A Book A Week
- A Jane of All Reads
- a kitchen table for two
- A Literary Odyssey
- A Pocket Full of Books
- A Search for Happiness
- a thing of beauty
- A. Victoria Mixon, Editor
- About New York
- Adventures in Agentland
- Alaskan Bookie
- Alexis Grant
- Alison Can Read
- All About {n}
- Alternate Readality
- Amanda Hocking's Old Blog
- Amna Musings
- An Armchair By The Sea
- An Eclectic Bookshelf
- An Octopus in my Ouzo
- And the plot thickens...
- Archetype Writing Blog
- Authentic Experience
- Author Elana Johnson
- Author, Jody Hedlund
- Baja Greenawalt's Cozy Book Nook
- Beachreader
- Beauty, Books, & Beyond
- Been there, done that.
- Behler Blog
- Bending the Spine
- Bent on Books
- Best O' Books Reviews
- Between The Pages
- Bibliasia - a Bibliography of Asia
- Biblio Mania
- Bibliophile By the Sea
- Bibliophile's Corner
- bibliophyte
- BigAl's Books and Pals
- bloggiebloggieblog
- Blogging Women
- Blurb is a Verb
- Book Blogger Directory
- Book Briefs
- Book Eater
- Book Him Danno!
- BookEnds Literary Agency
- BookHounds
- Bookish Lifestyle
- BookMark It
- Bookmarked!
- BookNAround
- Books in the City
- Books Kids Like
- Books with a cup of coffee..
- Booksie's Blog
- Breakfast with Myself
- Brooklyn Arden
- Catherine, Caffeinated
- Chick with Books
- Chick's Lit
- Citra Gossip
- City Chronicles - travel blog
- Coconut Radio
- Courtney Rene
- Creative Musings
- Cupid's Literary Connection
- Darlene's Book Nook
- Dash it All
- Deborah Lawrenson
- Demitria Lunetta
- designed to love
- Desktop Retreat
- dhs literary show + tell
- Diary of a Student Gourmand
- Doug Mack | Blog
- EC Stilson's
- Editorial Anonymous
- Elsie Loves Fiction
- Every Book and Cranny
- Everyday Exile
- Evil Editor
- Evolving Books
- Family world travel and volunteering
- Fantasy casting
- ferocious introvert
- Flight of the Dragon
- Forever Overhead
- Fragments of Fiction
- Free Book Reviews
- From These Hollows
- Geeb's Book Club
- Gently Mad
- Gidday from the UK
- Giles Publications
- Glass Cases
- Go, See, Write
- Guide to Literary Agents
- Happy Adventures
- Her Book Self
- Hilary T. Smith
- Hong Kong - Docking in a New Harbour
- Hong Kong Express
- Hong Kong International Literary Festival Blog
- Hong Kong Travel Blog
- Hongkonghavers
- Hopelessly Devoted Bibliophile
- How to learn Swedish in 1000 difficult lessons
- How To Write Badly Well
- Hyperbole and a Half
- I Eat Books for Breakfast
- I Read a Book Once
- Inspired-Quill
- Intergalactic Word Salad
- itsAlyx
- James Killick's Blog
- Just a Girl Kindleing
- Kayla's Reads and Reviews
- Kendi Everyday
- Kilimanjaro and Beyond - A Lifechanging Journey
- Klearly Reading
- La Vie en Prose
- Land of no cheese 没有芝士的土地 - Hong Kong photoblog
- Lao Ren Cha - 老人茶
- Leslie Anne Writes
- Let's Book It
- Life Between Pages
- Life, and why it sucks.
- Lindsey Gray ~ Author & Reviewer
- Lit Endeavors
- Lit&leisure
- Literary Rambles
- Literary Rejections on Display Now Has Long COVID
- Little Bits of Missy Me
- Living In Literary La La Land
- Living Loving and Writing
- M&Y the Baking Book Bunny
- Madame Perry's Salon
- Magic Of Reading
- Man of la Book
- Mari's Camera - Photography Tips and More
- Marianne Elliott
- MI Ave
- morsie reads
- Mrs Blacksmith
- My Books
- My life before I "Kick the Bucket"
- My Life! Teaching in a Korean University
- My Name Is Not Bob
- Nathan Bransford, Author
- Navigating the Slush Pile
- Notes of Life
- Novel Niche: A Place for Books
- Observations Of Modern Life
- Observativity: Katie's Blog of Random Things
- Old G Dawg's Labyrinth
- on earth as it is in heaven
- Orienting to the Far East...
- Page Traveler Tales
- PhD Talk
- Playing Librarian
- Pretty.Random.Things.
- Pub Rants
- Pure Bright Fire
- Query Shark
- QueryTracker Blog
- Quiet Laughter
- Rachel Brooks
- Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent
- read that too
- Readerbuzz
- Reading in Taiwan
- Redlines and Deadlines
- Reflections from India
- Reflections of a Bookaholic
- Rescued Remnant
- Reviewer's Diary
- Sarcastic Female Literary Circle
- SAT & BAF! Memories of a Tower Rat
- Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers
- Scribbles
- Seattleite Imagery
- See. Write. Live.
- shades of shayes
- SHE in China
- She is too fond of books
- Silver's Reviews
- SlushPileTales
- Smart Lit
- Splendor in the Lemongrass
- Stuck in a Book
- Susan Blumberg-Kason
- That's What She Read
- The Blue Bookcase
- The Book Babe's Reads
- The Book Buff
- The Book Frog
- The Book or Bust
- The Conscientious Reader
- The Crazy Bookworm
- The Greatest Arsenal
- The Green Bathtub
- The Itinerant Bookworm
- The Knight Agency Blog
- The Literary Lioness
- The Long Walk Home
- The Official Page for George Sirois
- The opposite of that.
- The Paperback Princesses
- The Perfect Palette
- The Quirky Musings of a Coffee Connoisseur
- The Reading Life
- The Ron Empire Wants You!
- The Scarlet Letter
- The Typelings
- The Wertzone
- The Write Twist
- The Zen Leaf
- Thinking About Loud!
- This Miss Loves to Read
- Tiny Library
- Trac Changes
- Travels with Pen and Paper
- Trevs Literary Review
- Uber-Dork (The 8-Year-Old Me)
- unceasing exploration
- Uncommon Reading
- Unedited
- Viajar Sin Rumbo
- Walking in May
- Wandering Librarians
- Wavy Lines
- White Boy From Wisconsin
- Wordstream
- Writer’s Digest - Home
- Writing Reality
- Writings of an Introvert
- you can read me anything
- You Think Too Much
- ✱ dori the giant ✱
Gender | Female |
Occupation | English Teacher |
Location | Central, Hong Kong |
Introduction | I used to have a love/hate relationship with bookstores. Every time I went in it made me sad that I didn't have time to read every book that jumped off the shelves. Then I moved to Hong Kong and got a 35 minute commute and a Kindle. Now I'm catching up. |