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Introduction Thomas Jefferson once said, “When the people fear the government there is tyranny, when the government fears the people there is liberty.” We, the citizen of Bangladesh, become speechless to see a democratically elected government unleashes all of its security forces against its own unarmed, peaceful civilians and protesters who came out to the street just to express their opposition as guaranteed by the constitution and universal human rights. Such unprovoked murder and killing of the Awami Leagure led government, which took oath to protect the constitution and the citizen of the country, can only be compared to the killing and genocide in Bosnia by the Serbs. Unfortunately dictators do not take lessons from the history whether it is Radovan Karadzic, Hitler, Sheikh Hasina, Saddam Hussain or Bashar Al Asad. We, the people of Bangladesh, therefore are determined to let the world know what sort of brutality, oppression and massacre the Awali League government is doing against the peaceful protesters and opposition. We'll make the internet as a Wall of Shame for Hsaina pinning the pictures and evidences of all of her atrocities and killing.