Benil Biswas- Vidushak (The Jester)

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Occupation Assistant Professor
Location kolkata, Delhi, westbengal, New Delhi, India
Introduction Cool and calm ,like to listen rather shout aloud much
Interests movements, body, theatre, blend between theory and praxis.
Favorite Movies Turtle's can fly, lust! caution!
Favorite Music Laya project, John Cage, James Horner.
Favorite Books Proust and the Squid The Story and Science of the Reading Brain By Maryanne Wolf, Time and Narrative Paul Ricouer

Which is easier to make a model airplane out of and why: a banana peel or a wet sock?

it's definitely banana peel because it has a stream lined body and many arms out that may help in getting the wings tail fin etc in order and in place. whereas the sock may be a lighter on when dried, but here inspite of it's would crumble, if we have a non existent structure of the aeroplane with us....