
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Industry Engineering
Occupation PV Research Specialist
Location Boston, MA
Introduction My nickname is The Fex because I misspelled my own last name trying to make my first Wii profile and it stuck. I graduated from Dartmouth (twice) an Engineering Major with a focus on cool projects, but on my resume it says 'electronics' because nobody wants to hire a 'Cool Project Engineer'. Sounds too much like 'Sanitation Engineer'. So MIT hired me as an electrical engineer, but I find myself doing cool projects. Funny how life works sometimes. My college experience was defined by a multi-genre dance troupe, the varsity heavyweight men's crew team (I was the coxswain), then by a sorority (which I still couldn't tell you why I joined or became House Manager of), and finally by the student Formula Racing Team. I like rollercoasters and dancing and building stuff. My short term life goal is to run a marathon. I had a 140lb puppy named Max but he moved to Wisconsin. I still have a 2 lb bunny named Oliver and a 20 gallon tank of marine fish, and I got another puppy - Maisy Jane. I am the oldest of my grandmother's 24 grandchildren, and a child of divorce, and recently diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. I was madly in love, for life, but I jinxed it.
Favorite Movies The Incredibles, Love Actually, The Usual Suspects, Howl's Moving Castle, Coming To America
Favorite Music Dave Matthews Band, Coheed & Cambria, New Found Glory, House music, Benny Benassi, Dance Troupe Soundtracks
Favorite Books Sword of Truth series, Harry Potter, A Year With Charlie, Twilight Series (Yeah, I went there...)

Why does the color blue mean raspberry-flavored?

Red was taken. Twice. And blue is superior to red anyway, as raspberries are superior to both cherries (which can also be represented with black or a deep purple) and strawberries. And blueberry is not a popular flavoring.