Chloe YC Ouyang
My blogs
Gender | Female |
Introduction | 托福教練、中英文同步口譯員與英文文案。2008-2014年擔任台北市長與新北市市長英文顧問。目前擔任企管顧問公司負責人、外加兩隻喵喵的鏟屎官。美國密西根大學U of Michigan, Ann Arbor 碩士。主修藝術史,雙語腦袋加上會一點法文。是個相信鬼神與輪迴的奶蛋素食者。 An optimistic fatalist, cat slave and a TOEFL coach who also doubles as a graphic recorder/bilingual copywriter and simultaneous interpreter during the day. Manages a consulting firm that specializes in digital transformation. A devout Buddhist who believes in karma and secretly feels guilty for consuming dairy products. |