My blogs
Blogs I follow
Gender | Female |
Occupation | Stay at home mom |
Location | Sandy, UT |
Introduction | Adrian and I have been married for seven years. We were married in the Salt Lake Temple on August 17th, 2004. We have a son named Elijah who was born in July 2010. I have been knitting since 2005 thanks to my sweet and patient Grandma. I love the creative art and look forward to sweetly knitting just for you. |
Interests | Hanging out with hubby Adrian and with family and close friends, knitting Christmas stockings, scarfs or whatever, watching movies, shopping, decorating the home especially for Christmas, reading, etc. |
Favorite Movies | Any romance, action, or comedy movies and of course the Roberts family memories (best movie yet) |
Favorite Music | Coldplay, David Gray, Robbie Williams, Nora Jones, Maroon 5, James Blunt, Jamiroquai, U2, Athlete, or any song played on Capital FM (England radio station-my husband got me hooked) |
Favorite Books | Dean Hughes, CS Lewis, JK Rowling, Stephenie Meyer, Jane Porter, and Sarah Addison Allen |