Premnath Agamutu

My blogs

About me

Location Kuala Lumpur / Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
Introduction I am the National Information Officer of Putera MIC, a wing of the Malaysian Indian Congress. I am a telecommunication engineer by qualification. Currently working in a multinational telecom equipment manufacturer, in a regional sales management role. I come from a close knit family, parents who have provided more than enough for me, and one lovely sister. My parents brought me up with all the comforts of live in KL, yet always reminded me of the trials and tests they had to put up with in their growing years. Perhaps it is this reminder, and the knowledge that many in my community, in my country, are still having to undergo the same trials, tests and hardship that has led me into politics. While I may not be able to change it all, I promise to do my part in being that change.