Catherine Nolin
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Collage of Life Archives
- avant garde design
- studio lolo
- gold and gray
- * Chic Provence *
- *Maynard Greenhouse
- .
- 24 Corners
- ::Surroundings::
- A Bloomsbury Life
- a dreamer's den
- A Flair for Vintage Decor
- A Gift Wrapped Life - Gifting Tips, Advice and Inspiration
- A Life with a View
- a life's design
- a little blue
- a perfect gray
- A Punch of Color
- A Seaside House
- A Simplesmente Lila
- A Tranquil Townhouse
- A Wild Tea Party
- About New York
- Acanthus and Acorn
- According to BRASWELL
- Adrianne Moro Artes
- Adventures in Extreme Parenthood
- Aesthetic Oiseau
- Alicia B. Designs
- All Natural Mom
- All That Inspires
- All the Best by Ronda Carman™
- All The Trappings
- Altered Beauty
- Amanda's Parties To Go
- Ampersand Design
- An Indian Summer
- Andrea Guim Blog
- Anna Truelsen
- Annette Joseph
- Another Shade of Grey
- Anthropologie Addict
- Antony Todd
- Apartment #412
- Appletree Staging
- Art and Alfalfa
- Art Before the Horse
- Art Brut and Outsider Art
- Art House Design
- Art House Design
- Art Inconnu - Little-known and under-appreciated art.
- Art Obsession: The Artwork of Kari Tirrell
- Art Splash on Etsy
- artnlight
- artsy ants
- artysoulsisters
- Audrey's Country Crafts
- B-Well Report...mindful living
- Barbara von Enger, artist, painter, icon
- Barefoot in Boston (via Houston)
- Baroque Explorations
- Beautiful Interiors and 18th Century Style
- Beaux Mondes Designs
- Being Ruby
- Belgian Pearls
- Belle Francaise Interiors
- belle maison
- Bijou and Boheme
- Bittersweet Symphony
- Blog of an Art Admirer
- Blue Hydrangea
- Blue is Bleu
- Bored Neoclassical Guy
- Bright.Bazaar
- Brillante Interiors
- Brunch in April
- C'est Moi, Sara Louise
- C. Wright Art Gallery
- Café Bellini
- caitlin wilson design: style files
- Can I Tell You?
- Captive Creativity
- CarrieCan
- casa dulce hogar
- Castles Crowns and Cottages
- Cataldo Interiors Inc.
- Catherine Nolin DeQuattro Art Studio
- Celia M. ~ Living My High Heeled Life
- Centsational Girl
- Chapman Interiors Blog
- Christina Elaine
- Christina Marie Interiors
- coco+kelley
- Color and Light Atelier
- Color Me Lovely
- Color Outside the Lines
- Colour me Happy
- Concrete Jungle
- Conspicuous Style
- Contemplating the Moon
- Corbu's Cave
- Couture Carrie
- Couture Zoo
- crafty cameleon in california
- Created By Hand
- Creative Journeys
- Crystal Amesbury
- da cosa nasce cosa
- Daily Violets
- Danielle Sigwalt Interiors
- Dear Friend,
- Decor To Adore
- DEL PONTE Style Full Time Professional Artist
- delight by design
- Design Blooms
- Design Chic
- Design Darling
- design indulgence
- Design Manifest
- Design Style Guide
- designers block
- Desing Muse - Graphic Design, Packaging Design and Home Desgin Blog by New York Designer
- Desire to Decorate
- disegno Karina Gentinetta
- Dovecote Decor
- Down and Out Chic
- Dr. Kurt Woeller - Biomedical Autism Intervention
- Dragonfly Lifestyle
- dress up files - a chicago fashion blog
- dustjacket attic
- Dwellers Without Decorators
- Décor de Provence
- ECLECchic
- eclectique
- Edith Hope
- Elements Interiors
- Elizabeth W. Seaver Fine Art
- ella & baba
- Emptynester
- Endless Inspiration
- Enjoying the Small Things
- eNVe Designs
- Etsy Fine Art Gallery
- Etsy Twitter Team
- faintwhisper
- Food and Wine With a Story
- for the love of a house
- Francine Gardner - Art de Vivre
- French Basketeer
- french essence
- French Laundry
- French Sampler
- FrenchBlue
- From the Desk of Bee Drunken
- From The House of Edward
- Gandalf's Gallery
- Get up in the morning
- Gjennom ordene
- graphite contours
- Grey Gardens News
- Greyfreth <br> Cross Bottles &amp; Rough Luxe Objects of Beauty
- Gustavian Vintage
- hampton hostess
- hamptontoes
- Haute Whimsy
- Health and Fitness Magazines
- Hello Gorgeous
- Hello Lover...
- Hey Gorgeous, The Blog
- Hill Country House
- Hirondelle Rustique
- Holding Forth
- home
- Home Design Ideas
- Honeysuckle and Hissy Fits
- Hot Toast and Jam
- House of Fifty Blog
- House of Turquoise
- How Sweet The Sound
- Huzzah! Vintage
- I appreciate that.
- I dream of
- I on Design
- Ideezine
- In My House
- In One Place...
- in so many words...
- Inside A Kid's Kitchen
- Inspired Design
- Interior Decorating Advice and Inspiration | BluLabel Bungalow
- Interior Design Blog
- Interior Design Newton, MA
- Interior Philosophy
- ISBN 13
- J.Covington*Design
- Jason Martin Design
- jdavissquared
- Joe Ruggiero Designer/ HGTV Host
- Join my Joy
- Joseph De Quattro
- Just a Girl
- just a silhouette
- Just Painting
- karastefa
- Kelly Green
- Kings Down Road
- Knight Moves
- Kudos Kitchen By Renee
- La Boheme
- la Brocanteuse
- La Dolce Vita
- La Petite Gallery
- La Table De Nana
- Lady of Wellington
- Lavender &amp; Lilies
- Lenorenevermore
- Life at Willow Manor
- Life love clutter and other beautiful things
- Limestone &amp; Boxwoods
- little blue deer
- Living Locurto
- Living the Well Appointed Life with Melissa Hawks: Style, Fashion, Home Decor, Decorating Blog
- Low Tide High Style
- LuLuBoo's
- Luster: A Quality that Outshines
- Man of the 50s
- manon 21
- Marcus Design
- Marsha Harris Scott Splenderosa
- Mary Liz Gallery
- mi casa design
- Michael Hampton
- Mille Fiori Favoriti
- Milo &amp; co
- model's own
- Modern Country Style
- Modern Design Blog
- Moniques Passions
- Mosaicology
- Mostly Older Than Me
- Moth Design by Erica Cook | A Calgary Based Lifestyle Blog
- Mountain Mermaid
- my favorite and my best
- My Five Men
- my french country home
- My Grandmother's Gucci
- My Home Projects!
- My Interior Life
- My Notting Hill
- My Owl Barn
- My Pear Tree House
- My Sparrow-stylish responsibility
- My Sweet Savannah
- myletterstoemily
- Nest by Tamara blog
- New England Style
- Odi et Amo
- Of peacocks and paisleys......
- oldgreymare
- Oliveaux
- Outsides The Lines
- P i g t o w n * D e s i g n
- Pagoda Press
- paonote_room269
- Paris Atelier
- Patricia Gray | Interior Design Blog™
- Peacock Feathers
- Periwinkle Peacoat
- Pink Monkey
- PlumSiena
- Plush Palate
- pretty pink tulips
- Pretty Prowler
- princess anne county
- Priscilla Mae et al
- Pure Style Home
- pve
- quoteflections
- Rachel Ann Jensen
- Ragland Hill Social
- Rang-Decor {Interior Ideas predominantly Indian}
- Reese Carrozzini
- renovate + decorate
- Renée Finberg ' TELLS ALL ' in her blog of her Adventures in Design
- rock my world
- Roses and Rust
- Sa Sea Boutique
- Sabbe Interior Design [the blog]
- Salvage Dior
- Sarah Laurence
- Serendipity
- Shadows On Stone
- Shop La Dolfina
- Show + Tell
- Simply Sierra
- Sjarmerende GJENBRUK
- Slumber Designs
- Soul Shadow Studio
- Southern Chateau
- Special Needs Truth
- Splendid Sass
- Starfish &amp; Sundresses
- StoneGable
- studioJudith
- Summer In Newport
- Sweet as a Candy
- sybaritic
- Tear It Out
- TG interiors
- the adventures of a modern housewife
- The Alternative Wife
- The Art Inquirer
- The Art of Living Beautifully
- The Artful Lifestyle
- The Arts by Karena
- The Bedlam of Beefy
- The Blackwood Cottage
- the chirpy bird
- the claw
- The Consummate Hostess
- The Decorated House
- The Decorator
- The Decorista-Domestic Bliss
- The Decorologist
- The Designer's Attic
- The Devine Life
- The Diversion Project
- The Enchanted Home
- The Forgotten Brush
- The French Mouse
- The Frosted Gardner
- The Green Room Interiors Chattanooga, TN Interior Decorator Designer
- The Happy Turtle
- The House of Beauty and Culture
- The House of Beauty and Culture
- The Joy of Autism
- The Lisa Porter Collection
- The Magpie's Fancy
- The Nero Chronicles
- The New Victorian Ruralist
- The Ornamentalist
- The Relished Roost
- The Shiny Pebble
- The Skirted Roundtable
- the style saloniste
- the textile blog
- The Way We Are
- The Well-Appointed Catwalk
- The World According to Isa<br>
- The Zhush
- Things That Inspire
- this free bird
- This Photographer's Life (Architecture + Interior Design)
- Ticklish From A Distance
- Timpul din afara timpului
- Tinkerhouse Trading Company
- Tori's GFCFSF Blog
- Treasures is moving to "Rescued by Angie"
- Try Handmade
- Two Coats of Paint
- twodressesstudio
- Under Spanish Moss
- Unstitched.
- Urban Flea
- Urban LifeStyle Decor
- UrbanStems
- veranda interiors
- Verandah House
- Verdigris Vie
- vignette design
- Village
- vosgesparis
- Watching waves
- William Morris Fan Club
- Willow Decor
- Yellow Brick Blog
- { the vintage wren }
- à la parisienne
- 呈婷
Gender | Female |
Industry | Arts |
Occupation | painter |
Location | Andover, MA., United States |
Introduction | At a very young age I became fascinated with colors and with the emotional impact of various color combinations. I had the benefit of being the sixth of six daughters; in many respects they were my mentors. In our family, Italian traditions—family, food, religion—were fundamental. When I was 10 years old, a family friend, an artist, recognized my talent and enrolled me in a class at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. After that seminal experience, I continued to draw and in high school I practiced drawing furniture pieces and chairs with fabric patterns. The Italian Renaissance became my favorite art history period and I often incorporated objects and themes from this period into my work. In college, I studied pottery, figure drawing and art history. After marrying, I had three sons, the youngest of whom was diagnosed with autism. Painting for me became a necessary therapy. What started as a part-time escape became a full-time profession and I am grateful every day to be able to do what I love. My studio is in my home. I have sold paintings all over the world and have exhibited in galleries and shows throughout the Northeast. |
Interests | Autism, My son's, my husband, painting, painting techniques, fabric design, printing, movie/ films, art and autism, biomedical therapies for autism, art collector, Italy, the saints, Padre pio, art history, spirituality, my sister's and brother, and our mother, interior design, gardens, yellow labs, letting go with out giving up, music, writer Joseph DeQuattro, Andre Dubus. |
Favorite Music | Coldplay, classical, Rufus Wainright, Death Cab, Joni Mitchell, George Winston |