My blogs

About me

Introduction well everyone....my name is VEGAS...yes i said VEGAS...i came to this world by the way of my daddy and mommy who's names ill leave out. im the typical little girl...at this age which at this time is 2 1/2...i like all things strange. i like to play in the dirt, bugs,all animals,horse'y rides,seeing trucks jump,watching aND riding on daddys broom-broom,i lIke the sand at the beach,i like the pool,and last but not least SPONGE-BOB!!..pretty much just like anyting at this present time...im like a little sponge..soaking up all there is to see and hear! i would like to welcome you to my blog...that one of my parents do for me... you'll get a chance to see me in all the places that i vist...sorta...at least when they have the camera.. so sit back and enjoy my world... KISSES!