My blogs
Blogs I follow
Gender | Male |
Industry | Communications or Media |
Occupation | Photographer |
Location | Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Introduction | "Creating happiness one photo at a time." All photos are copyrighted unless otherwise noted. |
Interests | Photography, stereoscopic photography, lenticular images, baking, eating, sleeping, Lego, MarioKart (all variations), Joss Whedon shows, Star Trek (TOS), gadgets, bakeware, biking, stop motion animation, computer animation, futurama, things that are round |
Favorite Movies | Amelie, The Apartment, Christmas Vacation, Five Deadly Venoms, Foolproof, Free Enterprise, The Foul King, The Incredibles, Meet John Doe, The Rocketeer, Seven Samurai, Shaolin Soccer, Thank you for smoking, Toy Story 2, Tron, Wrath of Khan |
Favorite Music | Movie music, TV tunes, Cake, Queen (yes that includes the Flash Gordon soundtrack), The Ramones, Supertramp, old standards, Tijuana Bibles, Village People |
Favorite Books | Fast Food Nation, Horatio Hornblower, Jennifer Government, Retro Desserts, Photo books, Shooting Sex, Gun for Hire |
Never mind the turtle. Don't you think you're sure to win?
Who writes these questions? What turtle? <looks over shoulder> Aaaaah!!!