Edreys Cultrue

My blogs

About me

Introduction In honor of the entrepreneurial spirit, I decided to embark on the one endeavor that has always frightened me the most, launching a T-shirt brand. So, courageously, in the face of fear, I now introduce Edreys Cultrue. The aim is to create, push/promote, shine and repeat, in that order, without apprehension. I will share my art, regardless of criticism, staying "TRUE," hence Cultrue, to what makes me tick as the unique, often out-of-place individual that I am. Through my products, whether jewelry, apparel or some other accessory, I present you with my art, hence the slogan, "Wear Art Thou," in hopes that you find a connection with the brand and vision by simply wearing and supporting what I create. Peace and Love Edreys and the Cultrue Team