
My blogs

About me

Location Los Angeles and Crawford, CA, TX, United States
Introduction There comes a time, if you're lucky, when your instincts drive you more than does your pragmatism. You fly by the strings of your heart, not the logic of your brain. You take a chance because it feels like the right thing to do. For me that moment came when Cindy Sheehan decided to call it quits and sell the five acre plot of land in Crawford, Texas named Camp Casey. Cindy's two year vigil on behalf of her fallen soldier son was one of those increasingly rare acts of personal, heartfelt sincerity turned public grassroots movement. Not sophisticated, just shockingly intimate. Cindy needed an angel, a benefactor. The urgency of her need to sell put that hallowed ground in danger of falling into the wrong hands. The blood, sweat and tears of families that joined forces at Camp Casey to protest the illegal occupation in the Middle East are deeply embedded in that soil. It made me nauseous to think that it might be put up for sale on eBay. So I didn't...think...I felt. My heart is there now too.