green guy

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About me

Gender Male
Occupation Information Technology for a Fortune 100
Location Western Suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Introduction I have always been a bit of a "green dude". I remember as a young cub scout holding paper drives (do people still have paper drives) well before there was commercial recycling. As an adult I recycle more than most folks ... including #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6 plastics ... more on that later.
Interests spending time with my family, cycling, swimming, reading, blogging
Favorite Movies An Inconvenient Truth, The Adventures of Buckeroo Bonzai Across the 8th Dimension, It's a Wonderful Life
Favorite Music REM, Grateful Dead, 10000 Maniacs
Favorite Books The 4 Hour Work Week, Lifehacker, anything by David Sedaris