Richard M. Waugaman, M.D.
My blogs
Introduction | I am Training and Supervising Analyst, Emeritus, at the Washington Psychoanalytic Institute; and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Georgetown University. I wrote two-thirds of the Georgetown faculty's most recent 50 publications on Shakespeare that were included Georgetown's incomplete and now inactive list. I mention this as evidence of how generative the "Oxfordian" authorship theory is proving to be. However, Georgetown has clarified that my Shakespeare research should be considered a hobby or interest. That is, I do not have a Ph.D. in English, and I am not a member of Georgetown's English Department. The opinions expressed in my publications are my own, and in no way represent the views of Georgetown University. For a more up-to-date and better organized list of my publications, please click on the first of the "Links" below (in the left column), which is my Georgetown Faculty website. |