Amber Fortney

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About me

Gender Female
Industry Arts
Occupation Stay at Home Mom
Location North Dakota, United States
Introduction My name is Amber and I am a Stay At Home Mom of a 1 & 2 year old. We live in rural ND and things are pretty quiet around here! It gets a little challenging emotionally, physically, and mentally being at home all of the time with your children haha. I started looking for ways to de-stress myself, while keeping the kiddos calm also. Young Living has been a life saver in our home and has changed so many things that I hadn't anticipated. We use the products for diffusing, topical applications, and everything else from cleaning to beauty. I love these products and once you start using them, you will become an oil addict! I now have created many different products and blends for the use in our home and lives. If you are interested in learning more, please check out this blog or contact me.