My blogs
Blogs I follow
- - Privilege
- 4030lisa's other little yellow quacking space,
- A Blogoddess' Tale
- A Little Piece of Me
- Adventurous Bohemians
- Appleberry Mountain
- Beyond Passing Time
- Creating Rewarding Relationships
- Daniel Barkley Music
- Dodger's Spot
- Faithful to Your Journey
- First Pages
- Hannah Moskowitz
- Hudsonette
- kim klassen inspiration studio
- Macaulay Calling
- Matt and Pia
- Michael Douglas Jones
- Mike's Hot Sheet
- Poppetree
- Project Earth
- Rachel in the OC
- Reinventing Character
- Salgrunkshire
- spiritual pedicures
- Spirituality In You London On
- Streetlight Imagination
- The Blog of Innocence
- The Jaded Heart Still Beats
- The Plush Gourmet
- Thelma And Louise Bookclub
- This Is Really All Your Fault
- Writing Out Loud
Location | Waterloo, Canada |
Introduction | When people ask me what I blog about I usually claim there's no rhyme nor reason. But there is. Here, I try to share my experience of finding my way, blind and grasping, through the dense forest of self, while trying to be everything everyone needs me to be. I hope my words will help others find their own. I love that you're here. |
Interests | Here I explore themes and writing that eventually feed and inspire my fiction. Responses help shape my thinking. I can't promise everything you read is 100% truth, but then, what is truth? |