My blogs
Blogs I follow
- ! learn language
- "Writing Saved Me from the Sin of Violence"
- .::Re-Genesis::.
- 3 Questions...and Answers
- <b>Smashwords</b>
- Ambling Along the Aqueduct
- An Onkwehonwe in Kanata
- and a head full of songs
- Ask a Literary Agent
- Author Bethany Wiggins
- Author Elana Johnson
- Black Pot Mojo
- Black.girl.Thoughts.
- Blackplush
- Bloggravations
- bloomabilities
- Blue Rose Girls
- Brooklyn Arden
- Coming of Age
- Dana Elmendorf
- Dark Tales
- Darkmatters
- dearest,
- Diagonal Flying
- Diamonds and Toads
- Dream Chasing 101
- Dystel &amp; Goderich Literary Management
- Editorial Anonymous
- Evil Editor
- Evolutionary Mind
- fairyhedgehog
- Fran Friel's Yada Feast
- Glass Cases
- Harlem Writer
- Hello Ello
- I Heart Culture &lt;3
- ibi zoboi
- it's never black and white
- J.[N]erd!'sz World
- Kiersten Writes
- Literanista
- Michael L. Martin Jr. | Author of Fantasy Books
- Monster Of Books
- Multiculturalism Rocks
- Nashville Green Drinks
- Nathan Bransford, Author
- Native Appropriations
- negrita's chronicles
- Netchem-Is: The Creative Journey of a Girl
- New Money Machinko.
- Nothing Other Than What I've Been Trying To Be Lately
- Novel Writing on Edge - Development Notes From Algonkian Writer Conferences
- Ooh, Eye Like It!
- OxyJen
- P.S. I Love Books
- Pimp My Novel
- Pint of Pennies Impressions
- Pretty, Please
- Pub Rants
- Query Shark
- QueryTracker Blog
- Rachelle Gardner, Literary Agent
- Random Musings
- Reading In Color
- Regain Ground, Lost Soul!
- Sistah Goddess
- SisterGarten
- SpaceShip Notebook....
- Stanmore Hill
- Stony River: a writing life
- Tales of a Literary Nobody
- Ten Block Walk
- The Best Article Every day
- The Clarity of Night
- the FREEZINE of Fantasy and Science Fiction
- The Horror Library Blog-O-Rama
- The Hostile Adept
- The Raven Desk
- The Shantytown Anomaly
- The She CompleX
- The Words of a Writer
- The Writers Alley
- TheNakedTruth
- TransGriot
- Twitter Blog
- Type M for Murder
- view from the crossroads of life &amp; death
- warsan in wonderland
- White Readers Meet Black Authors
- WHO&#39;S HOT? &amp; WHO&#39;S NOT!
- windows, doors, closets and drawers . . .
- Write On Target
- Write-or-Die
- WriteOnCon.com
- writing from the seat of bliss
- Writing To Insanity
- YA Outside the Lines
Gender | Male |
Occupation | Writer/Paramedic |
Location | Brooklyn, NY |
Introduction | Daniel José Older's work has appeared in Strange Horizons, Crossed Genres, The Innsmouth Free Press, Flash Fiction Online, and the anthology Sunshine/Noir, and is featured in Sheree Renee Thomas' Black Pot Mojo Reading Series in New York City. When he's not writing, teaching or riding around in an ambulance, Daniel can be found performing with his Brooklyn-based soul quartet Ghost Star), with whom he recently completed a multimedia live music and dance documentary about the end of slavery in new york entitled City of Love and Disaster. SELECTED FICTION: Salsa Nocturna Tenderfoot The Crate |