Jenn K.

About me

Gender Female
Location Hershey, Pennsylvania, United States
Introduction Collin is a sweet, loving, happy, easygoing little boy who was born a week before Christmas 2008. Our daughter wanted a sister, but the first time she laid eyes on Collin in the hospital, she told me she loved him more than if he was a girl. Collin adores his big sister, who nicknamed him her "princey fellow" (she loves princesses, and every princess must have a prince). I am a mother who has found myself suddenly face to face with my greatest fear in life: something happening to one of my children. Our world came crashing down around us when Collin was diagnosed with a brain tumor on April 22, 2010 at the age of 16 months. A biopsy showed that it was Medulloblastoma, a highly malignant tumor that originates in the cerebellum. This blog is my way of journaling this experience for my own sanity and keeping our loved ones updated on the progression of Collin's treatment. And who knows, if someone stumbles across this and recognizes some of the same symptoms in their child, it will be worth it. For more information on Medulloblastoma, go to the American Brain Tumor Association's website.