
My blogs

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About me

Introduction Hi!! My name is Sarah Ball, and the thing I long to be is a published authoress! Well, and I love taking photos with the camera I share with my mom, and I also love running. And every writer should be an avid reader, and every reader is an avid dreamer. Long story short, I love daydreaming, photography, running, reading, writing, doodling, and basically being creative and imaginative. I also love my family and my friends with all of my being, but the glory all goes to my Savior, who made me me. And so, here's me! BusyBee Photography is what I call my photography hobby, and "It's Not Just Make Believe" is the title of my writing blog, where I share poems, short stories, or whatever my fingers decide to type. Thanks for visiting! Lucky for you, this is just me. :)
Interests Reading, Writing, Running, Photography, Doodling, Music, {Flute, Piano, Organ}, Word Art, Day Dreaming, Pinteresting, and basically just being me!