Mr. Steve

My blogs

About me

Introduction These blogs provide a light-hearted view of life in Oman and Singapore. If you’re interested in political and social commentary, you won’t find it here. If your idea of a day out is lounging around the swimming pool of a nice hotel, this may not be for you. If however, you don’t mind living in the same clothes for a few days while camping on a deserted beach (no such thing in Singapore), hiking in the cool mountain air at sunrise (only small hills in Singapore), counting stars while sleeping in the desert (definitely no deserts in Singapore and we don't see stars very often), wading though crystal clear water in a lush wadi (come to think of it, no wadis here, only storm drains), snorkelling with fish most people only see in a Carrefour (there was a Carrefour but it's gone), rescuing turtles (only in pet shops in Singapore), chatting with wizened gentlemen in Arabic or Mandarin for a couple of hours and are prepared to eat just about anything (very important bit), then maybe there’s something for you.

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Mr Steve & Mrs M