My blogs
Blogs I follow
- very sweet life
- | Trendspotting, outfits and DIY fashion
- A Fashionable Frolick
- A Matter Of Style: DIY Fashion
- A Most Beguiling Accomplishment
- aestheticcontradiction
- Allegro Brillante ... Handmade and Vintage from Italy and Finland
- Appletree Days
- badsociologyjokes
- Bobby Pin Blog
- Bright Young Twins
- Casey's Elegant Musings
- Costume Design Blog
- Couture Historique
- CrossStitcher Magazine
- Dames a la Mode
- Dazzlin' Gal
- Diamond Stash
- Diary of a Vintage Girl | Vintage Fashion & Lifestyle
- Doe Deere Blogazine
- Dressed in Time
- Elizabeth Kerri Mahon
- fashion forestry
- FIDM Museum Blog
- Finland Handcrafters Team
- FolkCostume&Embroidery
- Fuchsia's 18th century dress
- Glamour_ologist
- Gloriously Chic
- Jane Austen's World
- Johanna’s blog
- Kelly-Marie Burdekin
- Kill them all, God will know his own
- Lady's Repository Museum & Diamond K Folk Art
- Madame Isis' Toilette
- Mrs Daffodil Digresses
- NineteenTeen
- Ofelia Market
- Oh So Lovely Vintage
- Pandora
- ReFashionista
- Regency Era Clothing
- Regency Tea Party
- Retro Chick - Vintage Clothing, Ethical Fashion, Retro Style
- Shakespeare's England
- Shrimp Salad Circus
- Tales of Faerie
- The Art of Clothes
- The Chirurgeon's Apprentice
- The Couture Courtesan
- The Dreamstress
- The Fashion Historian
- The Gibson Girl's Guide to Glamor: Natural Beauty, Victorian Beauty and Edwardian Fashion
- The Jane Austen Film Club
- the mended soul
- The Nautical Owl
- The Peppermint Store
- The Seamstress of Avalon
- The Snarky Victorian
- the soubrette brunette
- Thrift Eye
- Thrifted
- Thrifting Through Life
- Tilly and the Buttons
- Turn on your magic beam
- Two Nerdy History Girls
- viceandvirtueblog
- Vintage at Heart
- Vintage Dancer
- Vintage Powder Room
- Vixen Vintage
- Wearing History
- Записки на полях безумной жизни.
- Старинные схемы для вышивания
Introduction | A lover of all things 18th century. An ardent admirer of Jane Austen and Gothic novels. An avid theatergoer. And a jewelry-maker extraordinaire. |