My blogs
Gender | Male |
Location | Fremont, California, United States |
Introduction | I'm just a Dad who was inspired by fellow parents and bloggers to create a special lunch every Monday for my daughter during her first year of Kindergarten. This dad blog has been pretty special for her and I so I am continuing the project indefinitely, or until she's in college and doesn't want cartoon lunches anymore. The goal is for the lunch to be made out of common stuff from the fridge, be pretty healthy and balanced, and of course help her to feel special every Monday as she starts a new week at school! I also review and recommend products that help make parent's lives easier. These products can fall into many different categories. As a parent, I know today's families are on the go and any products that make our lives easier are welcome. I pass on my reviews of these products and tell the stories about how these products have helped all members of my family. |