
My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Male
Location Tampa, FL
Introduction Hello to anyone listening... I'm not sure why I didn't think of it myself, but at the request/planted idea of my Aunt Pat I wanted to put together a blog that might accomplish the following things. Cut down the "How's ol Larry doing" phone calls to my Mom. Provide info. and updates about how my dad is actually doing.Give everyone a forum for asking their own questions. Generally....rooting for Larry Carroll and his recovery from what we now think is Hodgkins disease.I will do my best to pass on information, answer questions, send along good wishes, and keep everyone up to date. In the hopes that my dad will also read this at some point, I will try to keeps things upbeat and positive. You may have to get good at deciphering my words if he has bad days, which are probably inevitable in the world of chemotherapy and doctors. So...all that said. Please learn how to subscribe / follow the blog for updates and stay tuned for more information and updates. Love, Jon