Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage
My blogs
Blogs I follow
- Citicasita
- Food Corner
- sea kettle diaries
- D. Jean Quarles
- Wendy's Bees
- Butterfly 8)(8 Bungalow
- Rusty Hinge
- 2012'
- ..
- Around the House
- At Rivercrest Cottage
- My Heart Lives Here
- Cottage and Broome
- Crafts a la mode
- Michelle Palmer
- Pondered Primed Perfected
- foundology101
- Ki Nassauer Style
- simply Suzan
- .
- White Ironstone Cottage
- ! Khadija's Creative Mind
- " Welcome to Lavender Dreams "
- "A Stamper's Touch" Gayle Page-Robak
- "Isabelle Thornton" Le Chateau des Fleurs
- "Junk and Stuff" at "Through The Garden Gate"
- "Junk Salvation" by Funky Junk Sisters
- "Wonderfully Made"
- #
- 'A Casarella
- 'Burb Tales
- 'Mary's Cottage Treasures'
- *
- * Peppertowne *
- * Remodelaholic *
- * T h e * V i s u a l * V a m p *
- **My Desert Cottage**
- *Domestically Unemployed*
- *Free♥ Pretty ♥Things ♥For ♥You*
- *Maynard Greenhouse
- *Queen Bee Cottage*
- *The Graphics Fairy LLC*
- *The Thrifty Home
- .
- .
- . . . Cabin & Cottage
- .... That's My Story....
- .......A Decorating Passion
- ...from Generation to Generation
- .Lilac Lane Cottage
- 104 S. Main
- 24 Cottonwood Lane
- 4 the love of wood
- 52 FLEA
- <center><big>SaMiE Designs</big></center>
- A Beach Cottage
- A Collection of Days
- a conversation at goodwill
- A Cottage Muse
- A Cozy Cottage in the City
- A Creative Project
- A Cup of Tea With The Master
- A Day in Motherhood
- a day in the life - walking with God
- A day in the life of the Hooks: Keeping you in stitches
- A Delightsome Life
- A Doctor in the House has moved to
- A Few of My Favorite Things
- A Few Pennies
- A Happy Valentine
- A Journey in Losing the Weight
- a Latte' with Ott, A
- a little bit of everything
- A Mom's Balancing Act
- A Musing Potpourri
- a perfect gray
- A Picture is Worth a 1,000 Words
- A Pinch of Prim
- A Place for Margo's Stuff
- A Rosy Note
- A Soft Place to Land
- A Southern Belle Dishes on Decor
- A Southern Daydreamer
- A Southern Garden by Becca
- A Stroll Thru Life
- A Tale of Two Cities
- A Thrifted Market
- A Tiny Cottage On Grand
- A Typical English Home
- A Vintage Affaire
- A Vintage Cottage
- a Vintage Green
- A Vision to Remember All Things Handmade Blog
- A Well-Kept Home
- A { Blonde's } DIY Life
- a.lee
- Abounding Life
- Abramyan Avenue
- add that Xtra in the ordinary
- Adithis Amma Sews - Cute Confessions of a Sew Addict
- Adrift On The Lake
- Adventures of Kids Creative Chaos
- Adventures of One CrAzY LaDy!
- Aesthetics...A Junker's Journal
- Aiken House &amp; Gardens
- Alabaster Rose Vintage
- Alderberry Hill
- All Things Chic2
- along for the ride
- An Oklahoma Granny
- And one more equals FOUR
- Angelic Accents
- Another.Project.Done.
- Antique Attic
- Anyone Can Decorate
- anything goes here
- Anythingology
- Applestone Cottage
- Arbor House Lane
- Are We There Yet?
- Art and Alfalfa
- Artful Panoply
- Artful Panoply
- Artfully Graced
- ArtJoyStuff
- Artmusedog Share the Creative Journey
- Artsy Fartsy Junk Finds
- Ash Tree Cottage
- Ash Tree Cottage Minis
- Ashley's Dandelion Wishes
- at home in the northwest
- At The Farm...
- At The Picket Fence
- Atelier de Charo
- atthefarmhouse
- Auntie Thesis
- Avalon Cat Cartoons
- Away She Went
- B Sparkly
- Baby Bangs
- Backwoods Cottage
- Bargain Bound
- Be Thou a Knight
- Beach Bungalow
- beachcomber
- Beatrice Banks
- beautiful paper flowers
- beauty unspoken
- Beaux R'eves
- because i like to decorate...
- Becca's Cooking
- Becolorful
- Beez Rental Designs
- Behind Our Front Door
- Behind the Stone Wall
- Bella Rosa Antiques
- Bella's Rose Cottage
- Bellamere Cottage
- Belle's Bazaar
- Betsy Speert's Blog
- Better After
- Betty Bee's Buzz
- Between Naps on the Porch
- between3sisters
- Beyond The Picket Fence
- Big Doll's Boomtown
- BIG FAMILY / small apartment
- Biljana Shabby
- Bizee Mama's Beauty Secrets
- Black and White Nostalgia
- Blackberry Creek Home Arts
- Bless My Nest
- Blessed Serendipity
- Bliss Ranch
- Blog Guidebook
- Blog Hops Everyday
- Blogging by Pictures
- Blomkje en Wenje
- Blomstervrkstd
- Blondie's Journal
- Bloomin
- Blue Creek Home
- Blue Cricket Design, Creative DIY inspiration for life and home.
- blue roof cabin
- Blue Star Antiques
- Bluebell woods
- Blushing Rose
- Bobbypin's Boardwalk
- Bohemian Valhalla
- bord &amp; butik
- Born Broken
- Boulevard de L'antique
- Boxers, Cleats, and Me
- Brabourne Farm
- Braids and Brown Boots
- Breakfast at ShabbyChic Diva's
- Breath of Fresh Air
- Bringing Beauty
- Brocantess
- Brown Gingham Creations
- Brown Owls Members Blog
- Buckets of Burlap
- Buckets of Christmas Ideas
- Bumble Lush Garden
- bunny cottage
- burlap and blue
- Burlap Luxe
- Business plan sample
- Busy Blessings
- Butterscotch Caramel
- By the Hill
- By the Sea in Mexico
- Cabin Creek
- Canadian Rhapsody
- Candace Creations
- Capers of the Vintage Vixens
- Carol's Heirloom Collection
- carolannbychance
- Carols Picture Blog
- CastleAndCottageSigns
- Castles Crowns and Cottages
- catnap
- Cedar Hill Ranch
- Centsational Girl
- Ceramica che passione
- Chameleon Girls
- Chantilly Charm
- Charlotte's Web
- Charm of the Carolines
- Charmed
- Chateau et Jardin
- Chenille Cottage
- Cherry Hill Cottage
- Chez Fifi Blog
- Chic in flip flops
- Chipping with Charm
- ChiPPy! - SHaBBy!
- Christina's Adventures
- ciao! newport beach
- Cindy Adkins' Whimsical Musings
- Cindy Adkins...Art, Books, Tea
- City Farmhouse
- CK and Nate header
- Claremont Avenue
- classic • casual • home
- Classical Homemaking
- Closet Crafter
- clustres
- Coastal Charm
- Coastal-Colors
- Cobblestone Farms
- Collected Treasures for the home, heart, and soul
- Colorado Crossroads
- Coloradolady
- common ground
- Compulsive...
- Condo Blues
- Confessions of a 40-something Mama Queen
- Conghaile Cottage
- Conrad Art Glass &amp; Gardens
- Coral and Coast
- Corn in My Coffee Pot
- Cottage and Creek
- Cottage and Vine
- Cottage Charm Creations
- Cottage Hann~Me~Downs
- Cottage Hill
- cottage instincts
- Cottage Style Decorating
- Counting Your Blessings
- Country Baby Handmade
- Country Wings in Phoenix
- Couponing &amp; Cooking
- Craft-O-Maniac
- Craftaholics Anonymous
- Craftberry Bush
- Craftily Ever After
- Crafts &amp; Sutch
- Crafty Allie
- Crafty Butt
- Crafty in Canada
- Crafty in Crosby
- Crafty N Caffienated
- Craig Cantrell
- Crazy Craft Bugs
- Create With Joy
- Creating Home
- Creating Vintage Charm
- creative carmelina
- Creative Certainty
- Creative Home Expressions
- Creative Ideas ... cottage style
- Créations Ma Déco Maison
- Cup of Tea and a Slice of Cake aka UKMUMINUSA
- Currently Crafting...
- Curtains In My Tree
- Custom Comforts
- Cute As a Fox
- Cutting Above
- Cyndi's Treasures
- d e l i g h t
- Dab of This and That
- Dabble and Dive
- Dancing In The Rain
- Dandelion and Daisy
- Daphne Nicole - Lynda Cade
- Dear Daisy Cottage
- Debbiedoo's
- deborah jean's DANDELION HOUSE and GARDEN
- Decor Roomies
- Decorating Addiction
- Decorating Ideas Made Easy Blog
- Decorating Tennis Girl
- Decorchick!
- DeJa Renew
- Delectalicious!
- Delightful Deets
- Derdijk Brocante
- desde my ventana | blog de decoración |
- Design Gives Back
- Designer Garden
- Designing Domesticity
- Designing Domesticity
- Dining Delight
- Discarded and Forlorn
- Dishes and Socks
- Distressed Donna Down Home
- DIY by Design
- diy Design Fanatic
- DIY kinda girl
- DK's Craft Café
- Doberman's by the Sea
- Dogmom Diva
- Dogs and Grandkids
- doinart
- Dolce Cape Cod
- dolce Divine
- Domestically Speaking
- Don't Waste your Homemaking
- Donna's Art at Mourning Dove Cottage
- Donna's Designs
- Doodles and Doilies
- Door 251
- Doulos
- Dragonfly Treasure
- Draper Capers
- Dream Home DIY
- Dream in Cream Shop
- Dreams On 34th Street ~ French Bread &amp; Family
- Dreamy Whites
- Dropped Stitch Knitter
- Dumped and Discovered
- DustyLu
- DWELLINGS-The Heart of Your Home
- easypeasy grandma
- Educated Abroad
- Eileen
- Elegant Economies
- Elegant Nest
- Elements Interiors
- Eleventh House
- Elizabeth &amp; Co.
- Ella Mae's
- elna-sudden
- Enjoyer of Grace
- Enlightenment for the Sleepy
- Erika...with a K
- EVerWanderFull
- Every Little Birdie
- Evolution of a home
- Extra! Extra! Blog All About It
- Extracting Abstract
- Extreme Measures
- Fab Rehab Creations
- Fabulously Smitten
- Faith Hope &amp; Cherrytea
- Faith's Place
- Faithfulness Farm
- Family Home and Life
- Family Home Evenings Made Easy
- fantasy art and tree chatter of aquariann
- Farmhouse Dreams
- Fashion Playground
- Fashionable Home
- Fashionista for Less
- Ferby's Corner Knitting
- Finding Secret Treasure
- Finesse Your Nest
- Fingerprints on the Fridge
- Fiona and Twig
- Fireflies and Family
- Fireflies and Jellybeans
- Fishtail Cottage
- five brothers one sister
- Flamingo Toes
- Flax and Spindle
- flea market trixie
- Fleur Cottage
- Fleur Gardens
- Folk Art Sewing Designs
- follow your heart woodworking
- Food As Art
- Forever Decorating!
- Forgotten Portraits
- found {interiors}
- four corners design
- Fox Hollow Cottage
- Framed &amp; Tagged
- freaking craft
- freckled laundry
- French Bleu Vintage
- French Laundry
- French Laundry 132 ♡
- French Lique, Texas
- FrenchBlue
- Frenchgardenhouse
- Fresh Cut
- Fresh Eggs Daily® with Lisa Steele
- From My Front Porch To Yours
- Frugal Decor Mom
- frugal farmhouse design
- Frugal Homekeeping
- Frugal with a Flourish
- Full Circle Unlimited
- Full of Great Ideas
- Fun to Funky
- Funky Junk Interiors
- FYN Blog Idea Files (Archives of other creative ideas)
- Gail’s Decorative Touch
- Garden Antqs Vintage
- Garden Of Daisies
- Garden Therapy
- Get Nestled In
- Giggles, Glitz &amp; Glam
- Gilded Junque
- ginderellas
- Girl in Air BLOG
- Girl in Pink
- glitter &amp; highheels
- Goldschmiede Plaar in Osnabrück
- Gone Thrifting
- Good Girl Gone Green
- Gracefully Vintage
- Gramma's ladybug
- Grammy J.
- Grandma Linda's Daydreams
- Graphic design by Tara
- greenbean's crafterole
- Grey Area
- Grow Old with Grace
- Grunged, Glittered n' Branded
- Gypsy Fish
- Handbags*N*Pigtails
- Handy Man, Crafty Woman
- Happier Than A Pig In Mud
- Happiness is 5ive
- Happy At Home
- Happy Cottage Quilter
- Happy To Be
- Harvest Moon by Hand
- Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson
- Having a Hallelujah Good Time
- Healthy Branscoms
- Heart Song
- Heaven's Walk
- Heirlooms
- Hello Home staging + redesign
- Hello Lovely
- Hello, New Day
- Her Whimsical Musings Magazine
- Her-Ballistic Garden
- Hi There Cupcake!
- Hibiscus House
- Hobbies of a Homemaker
- Home &amp; Garden Grace
- Home Frosting
- homemade ginger
- Homemaker
- HomeschoolEd
- Homestead
- Homestead Revival
- Homesteader's Heart
- Homesteading At Redtail Ridge
- Honey Pond Ahead
- Hoot-n-Nanny
- Hopewell Creek Designs
- House and Garden Boutique
- House Envy* The Beach House
- House of Hepworths
- House Revivals
- Household 6 Diva : Army Wife, Busy Mom, Balance Seeker
- HouseTalkN
- How Can I Do That?
- How Sweet The Sound
- How to Nest for Less | My Life as a DIY Wannabe
- Howsewears
- Hunted Treasures
- Hymns and Verses
- I Adapt-Daily Tips and Time Saving Ideas...and other Things!
- I Can Find The Time
- I Have a Coupon for That
- I Heart Jenny's Art
- I Heart Sunny Days
- I Owe it All to Him
- I ♥ naptime
- I'm a Mom not a Professional
- I'm just a Southern Girl
- I'm like a little bird
- I'm Not a Trophy Wife
- I'm Sharon with you...
- I'm Topsy Turvy
- icandy...
- Impatiently Praying for Patience
- In a Soft Light
- In the Country
- In Wendy's World
- Indie Inventions
- Infarrantly Creative
- Innovative Techpark
- Inside BruCrew Life
- Inside Jeannie's Bottle
- Inspiration...Vintage, The Vintage Inspired Home
- Intrigue Designs
- Island Rustic
- It's a Priceless Life
- It's A Very Cherry World!
- It's All Connected
- It's Always Something
- it's robin with an i
- It's the little things that make a house a home...
- Itsy Bits and Pieces
- Ivy and Elephants
- Jacque's Soda Parlor
- jaderbomb
- Jamie’s Jumble
- Jane's Junk and Treasures.......
- Janina a la Maison
- JaninaCakes
- JAQS Studio
- JBigg: Life in Kentucky
- Jennifer Rizzo
- Jennifer's Petal Palace
- Joy&#39;s Jots, Shots &amp; Whatnots
- Joyful Treasure Hunting
- Joyously Living Life
- Juice Box Dreams
- Jules Photography
- Junk Blossoms!
- Junk Sophisticate
- Junkaholics Unanimous
- JUNKDOG Design
- junkgarden girl
- junkin escapades
- Junque Magnet - Adventures in Yard Sales
- Just a Little Southern Hospitality
- Just Trying To Save Money
- Just*Grand
- Kameel Huise Tussen Spore
- Karin Lidbeck
- Kathe With an E
- Katherines Corner blog HAS MOVED
- Katherines Corner
- Katies Rose Cottage
- Kebun Malay-Kadazan girls
- Keeping it Simple
- Keeping Life Fun With One Craft At A Time
- Kennedy Kounrty - Lovin Life
- Kensington Cottage
- Kim Hites French Country Antiques Interiors
- Kim Klassen Cafe
- Kimberly's Korner
- Kiss My Brass
- Kitchen Bouquet
- KK Arts and Crafts
- Knick of Time
- Knifty Knits
- kotkarankki
- KSWDesigns
- La Bella Vie
- la maison LaFortune
- La Maison Reid
- La Vie Quotidienne
- Lady Farmer Parables
- Lake Girl Paints
- Lambs and Ivy Designs
- Lara's Lovely Creations
- Larissa Hill Designs
- Lasso the Moon
- Lauren Lane Decor
- LaurieAnna's Vintage Home
- Laurmelas House
- Lavender &amp; Linen
- Lavender Garden Cottage
- Lavender Ridge
- LazyonLoblolly
- Leaf House
- Lee Caroline - A World of Inspiration
- Leeds Traveling Circus
- Leigh Gray
- Lemon Tree Creations
- lesliejanson
- Let's Add Sprinkles
- Life &amp; Style by God&#39;s Design
- Life Began in a Garden
- Life is Beautiful
- Life on Lakeshore Drive
- Light and Voices
- Like Grandma's
- Lil' Luna - All Things Good
- Lillian Wood Photography
- linda makiej
- linsueray
- Lisa's Creative Home
- Little Bent Creek Farm
- Little Girl Tiffany Blue
- Little Red House
- Little Red Roost
- Little Vintage Cottage
- LittleMissMaggie
- live your life
- live.laugh.make something.
- Living with Lindsay
- Lollipops and Pickles
- lori miller vintage design co
- Love and Life at Leadora
- Love of All Things Vintage....
- Love, Yesterdays
- loved and lovely
- LoveLeigh Again
- Loving All Things Romantic
- Lululiz in Lalaland
- Lululiz in Vintageland
- Machelle Reeves
- Madison Makes...
- Magpies and Magnolias
- Maison Daisy
- Maison Decor
- Maison Douce
- Maison Reve
- Make The Best of Things
- Make Them Wonder
- Making the World Cuter
- MaNiKa
- Marlo and Bill
- Marsha's Creekside Creations
- Marsha's garden
- Mary's Meanderings
- Measuring My Life
- Mi Casa
- Michelle's Romantic Tangle
- Mikey Fuller | Interiors
- Milk and Honey Quilts
- Mille Fleur
- Minnesota Junker
- miss flibbertigibbet
- miss gracie's house
- Miss Mustard Seed
- Miss Rhea's
- Misty D. Designs
- MLoueez
- Mod Vintage Life
- Modern Country Style
- Moe-Mama
- Molly Susan Strong
- Mom Moonlighting As A Decorator
- Momma Meg's Crafty Crap
- Moonbeams &amp; Fireflies
- More Family and Flowers
- Mountain Mermaid
- Ms. Redo
- Mudpies &amp; Marigolds
- Musings
- must love junk
- My Alexa's Store
- My Covered Bridge
- My Craftie Life
- My Crafty Moments
- My Creative Escapes - photography, crafting, DIY and more
- My Creatively Vintage Life
- My Domestic Bliss
- My Farmhouse Kitchen
- my french country home
- My Heart with Pleasure Fills
- My Heart's Ease
- My House of Giggles
- My Life Among the Three Stooges
- My Life at Pansy Cottage and Garden
- My life in Namibia
- My Lindsanity
- My Painted Palace
- My Painting Room
- My Photography in Focus
- My Repurposed Life™
- My Romantic Home
- My Shabby Chateau
- My Shabby Chic Home
- My Shabby Streamside Studio
- My Sister's Cottage
- My Sparrow-stylish responsibility
- My Sweet Savannah
- My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia
- mywhiteelephant
- n
- Na-Da Farm Events
- na-da farm life...with anne marie
- Namely Original
- Nancy's Daily Dish
- Nancy's Notes
- Naperville Now
- Never a dull Moment
- Never Enough Thyme Creations
- neverenoughflowers
- New Blessing Everyday
- Nic Nac Maniac
- nickety nackety noo
- Nikkis Nifty Knacks
- Nina's Nest
- No Minimalist Here
- No Place Like Home
- NorthShore Days.....
- Not Mrs.Jones
- Not Quite Perfect
- Number Fifty-Three
- Oakland Daily Photo
- Obsessively Crafting
- Ohh Baby!
- OhMyVera! A blog about all things Vera Bradley
- Old Chic Boutique
- Old Glory Cottage
- Old Soul Studios
- Olde Tyme Marketplace
- oldgreymare
- Olive Out
- Olivia's Romantic Home
- On Sutton Place
- once upon a time..
- One Cheap B*tch
- One Day At A Time
- One More Time Events...
- One Woman, Reinvented
- Organized Clutter
- Our Crazy Little Life
- Our Joyful Living
- our life in a click
- Our Pumpkin and <p>Sweet Pea</p>
- Out on a Limb
- outjunking with Lisa Hudson
- ozma of odds
- P K Glitz Blog
- Pages from Home
- Painted Soul Design
- Paisley Passions
- Pajama Crafters
- Paper Pastorale
- Parisienne Farmgirl
- Passionately Artistic
- Passionately Perfect
- Paula
- Peacorn Popnuts Soda Gum &amp; Chewing Water
- Peeking Into The Past
- Penny's Romantic Home
- Penny's Vintage Home
- Percy & Bloom / The Vintage Moth
- Pet Portraits
- Pets To Posies
- Petticoat Junktion
- PhotoLifeSite
- Pieced Pastimes
- Pine Cones and Acorns
- Pink and Polka Dot
- Pink Dandy Chatter
- Piorra Maison - Chalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan, Montreal, Quebec
- pittypatpaperie
- Plum Perfect
- Plush Possum Studio
- Poems My Way - Valrie
- Poetry In A Pot Of Tea
- PonyTails&amp;FishScales
- Post Road Vintage
- Pregnant... with power tools
- Prep at the Beach
- Pressing On
- Pretty Handy Girl
- Pretty Old Houses
- Prewchatterly
- Primitive &amp; Proper
- Prêt-à-Vivre [Ready to ... Waltz]
- Puddle Jumper Creations
- Pumpkin, Pie, Painter
- Punkin Seed Productions
- pupylov
- QuarDecor
- Queen B &amp; Me
- Queenie's Vintage Finds and Treasures
- Queenmothermamaw
- Quirky Vistas
- raggygirlvintage
- Random Creativity
- Random Thoughts Home
- Ranger 911
- Read More Books
- Real Life Home Economics
- Rebecca Ersfeld
- Recaptured Charm
- Recipes We Love
- Red Door Home
- Red Gate Farm
- Red Heads Craft More Fun
- Red Hen Home
- Red Rose Alley
- Red Shed French Antiques, European Flea Market Tours
- refreshreStyle
- Reini Days over on Washington Street
- Reinvented
- Remaking Memories » Blog
- Revisionary Life
- Ribbons, Lace, and Inspiration
- Riet's photoblog
- Robyn Story Designs and Boutique
- Rogue Artists
- Romantic Domestic
- Rooted In Thyme
- Ros-the-quilter, quilting is my sanity…….
- Rose Colored Glasses
- Rose Petals and Rust
- Rose Petals from Heaven
- Rose Vignettes
- Rose Vine Cottage
- rosekraft
- Rubbish by Roan
- Ruby Jean
- Ruffles n Raspberries
- Rustic Maple
- Ruth&#39;s farm (&amp; furniture)
- S t a r d u s t - Decor &amp; Style
- saltbox treasures
- Same as it never was
- Sanctified Spaces
- Sandra Wilkes Art
- Santa's Gift Shoppe Year~Round
- Sassafras Salvation
- Sassytrash
- savvycityfarmer
- Scarborough Seashells
- Scented Leaf
- Scissors &amp; Spatulas
- Scrapidoodlelicious
- Seaside Rose Creations
- Seawashed
- Second Time Around Finds
- Selep Imaging Blog
- Serendipity Chic Design
- Serendipity Handmade
- Serendipity Refined Blog
- Shabby Art Boutique
- Shabby Charm
- Shabby Chic Girls' Club
- Shabby Cottage Collectibles
- Shabby french for me
- Shabby Gals
- Shabby in Suburbia
- Shabby Love
- Shabby Pink World
- Shabby Redo For You !
- Shabby, Chic and Charming
- Shannon Makes Stuff
- ShannonMac Designs
- Sherri's Jubilee
- Shirlsrosecottage
- Silo Hill Farm
- Simple Enough
- Simply Sadie Jane
- Simply Southern
- Sincerely Retro
- Sissie's Shabby Cottage
- Six and A Highchair
- Slice of Pie Cookbooks &amp; Entertaining
- SnowyBliss
- So You Think You Can Decorate
- someplaceinthyme2
- Something Created Everyday
- Somewhat Quirky
- somewhat simple- DIY projects and creative ideas for your home and family
- Songbird
- South 35th
- South Bay Studio
- Southern Hospitality
- Southern Junk Chic
- Speckled Fawn en
- Spiral Sage
- Spittin Toad
- Splendiferous Girls Club..
- Stacy'Sweets
- Stampin D'Amour
- Still Woods Farmhouse
- Stillwater Story
- Stone Creek Market
- StoneGable
- Stories Of A House
- Stormy Hen Living
- Studio Stuff
- Suburb Sanity
- Suburban Prairie Homemaker
- Suburban Retreat
- Sues Kitchen
- Sugar Camp Cottage
- Sumo's Sweet Stuff
- Sunny Simple Life
- Susan's Path
- Suzy's Artsy Craftsy Sitcom
- Sweet Little Bluebird
- Sweet Little Smoothie
- sweet Mess
- Sweet Nothings
- Sweet Something Designs
- Sweetened by Kagi
- Sweetology
- SweetPepperRose
- sweetwater baby
- Swinging on a Star Creations by Shari Valicenti
- t and t work blog
- T-Shirt Diaries and More
- Tablescape Times Three
- Tales from Bloggeritaville
- Tales from the South
- tales of love and chocolate
- Talking Trash
- Tatertots and Jello
- Tattered &amp; Timeless
- Teacupstitches
- Terra Del Sole
- Testing Trisha ~ Single parenting at its finest
- That Cheap Chick
- The 1829 Farmhouse
- The Adventures of Elizabeth
- The adventures of Ruby Garland
- The Artful Diva
- The Arts by Karena
- The BarnQuiltStore Blog
- The Beating Hearth
- The Beautiful Life
- The Bee's Knees Boutique
- The Best of My Life - Its Ups and Its Downs
- The Bewitchin' Kitchen
- The Blackwood Cottage
- The Collected Interior
- The Comforts of Home
- The Cottage Market
- The Cranky Queen
- The Creative Gardener
- The CSI Project
- The Dabbling Crafter
- The Daily Wife
- The Dawley Fam
- The Decorating Diaries
- The Dedicated House
- The Desert Quilter
- The DIY Show Off
- The Dragonfly On Iron Gate
- The Eccentric Leopard
- The Elegant Chateau
- The Empty Nest
- the enchanted oven
- The Everyday Home
- The Experimental Farmer
- The Family Creviston
- The Farmhouse Porch
- The French Cupboard
- The French Hens Nest
- The French Mannequin
- The Frosted Gardner
- The Frugal Tree
- The Gathering Nest
- The Greeley Girls
- The Green Pea Boutique
- The Greentiques Solution
- The Hand Me Down House
- The High Flying Adventures of Gramma Luvlee
- The Home Daybook
- The House Creative
- The HumbleNest of Mrs. V
- The Ironstone Nest
- The Ivy Cottage Blog
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- The Modern Cottage Company
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- With all my heart...... Deborah
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- {Bees Knees Bungalow}
- {createinspire}
- {the tattered tag}
- {twenty}something
- ~Damita's Pretty Wrap~
- ✿Lunas Garten-Rosen-Vielfalt✿
Gender | Female |
Industry | Education |
Occupation | Health & Wellness Consultant |
Location | United States |
Introduction | The place I call home is a cozy little cottage farmhouse tucked amid the beautiful rolling hills of North Carolina. I'm from a family of five girls raised in the South (G.R.I.T.S.), married to a born and bred New Englander...aka The Yankee. Follow along as I share the blending of our two distinct styles & personalities—the rustic and the refined, the prissy and the primitive—creating a home filled with the romantic union of Yankee ingenuity and Southern charm. |
Interests | decorating, sewing, crafting, collecting vintage items: buttons, linens & lace, antiques & collectibles, repurposing castoffs, unique salvage pieces, thrifting, eBay, auctions, gardening, blogging, reading, cottages, farmhouses, health & wellness |
Favorite Movies | Anne of Green Gables, Pride & Prejudice, Sense & Sensibility, It's a Wonderful Life, Lord of the Rings, Phantom of the Opera |
Favorite Music | Christian, Classical, Celtic, Instrumental, Josh Groban, Michael Buble, Celine Dion, James name a few |
Favorite Books | The Bible — I love to read but most of what I read is of a spiritual or informational/educational nature. |