Tenderheart's Blog / Canada

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Ontario, Canada
Introduction Disclaimer: When you view this blog, you release Jabez In Action Now Ministry from any liability for any harm or perceived harm resulting in the services rendered. All prophecy must be carefully discerned and prayed into. I am NOT promoting any hate towards anyone but merely putting forth God s messages. Understand that your current health and medication routine set up by your health care professional should not be altered without talking to your doctor. Seek the Lord for confirmation and direction. In all humility, I would like certain details about my identity to remain anonymous. The only thing that truly matters is the fact that God asked several people to do this for Him, and that I am the only one who accepted to serve out of obedience to His divine will. He has already told me that much persecution will come from it... If someone has to post, it might as well be me.
Interests I try to pray, and lead a life that gives glory to God, my Father. I care for my family. Reading brings me great joy, as does the occasional craft. I write inspirational songs in my spare time. I don't collect anything, except Children... and God has blessed me with a little army!
Favorite Movies I was truly touched by Mel Gibson's The Passion of Christ. Scenes from that movie remain in my heart to this day.
Favorite Music I truly enjoy contemporary christian music.
Favorite Books The Holy Bible Any books on Deliverance, Spiritual Warfare, and of course The Courts of Heaven.