
My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Leverkusen, NRW, Germany
Introduction 30 Jahre alt | Glückliche Ehefrau und 2-Fach Mutter | Hobby-Fotografin | Neu-Leverkusenerin | Shopping-süchtig | "When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead. True story."
Interests shopping, music, dancing, internet, photography, computers, material arts, cinema, movies, tv, apes
Favorite Movies Ace Ventura, Cruel Intentions, Die Hard, Four Rooms, Inglorious Basterds, Kill Bill, Pulp Fiction, Scream, Scary Movie, Star Wars, The Ring, True Lies, 24, Buffy, Desperate Housewives, Gilmore Girls, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, How I met your mother, Sex and the City, Scrubs
Favorite Music [Insert cool name], Anajo, Bentframe, Black Eyed Peas, Blink 182, Dead Poets Alive, Die Fantastischen Vier, Fettes Brot, Fergie, Nirvana, Seeed, Peter Fox, RHCP, The Killers
Favorite Books Dan Brown - Illuminati, Dan Brown - Sakrileg, Dan Brown - Meteor, Ken Follett - Die Säulen der Erde, Ken Follett - Die Brücken der Freiheit, Ken Follett - Mitternachtsfalken, Ken Follett - Die Pfeiler der Macht