handmade by amalia

My blogs

About me

Gender Female
Location Haifa
Introduction Welcome to my blog! This is the place where I write about my crafts, mostly crochet, needlework and recycled paper, and a little bit about my life as it touches it - family, work, travel… I wish to live my life creatively and positively and my blog challenges me to do that. I'm glad you stopped by!
Interests 10 things to know about me: 1. I firmly believe that god is in the details; 2. I love classic mystery novels and can sometimes work out 'who did it'; 3. Chocolate is my 'go to' solution for many of life's problems; 4. I wish I could take better photos and keep planning to work on it; 5. My favorite Jane Austen book is Persuasion as I prefer the road less traveled; 6. I like to write in rhymes; 7. In elementary school my teacher sent me to take another class because I could not master the art of knitting; 8. My ringtone is the theme from Wallace and Gromit because they always make me smile; 9. I like to quote the Princess Bride and Winnie the Pooh; 10. My holy trinity is Ella Firzgerald, Johnny Cash and Van Morrison;