Jim Harrington

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Occupation Writer/Editor
Location Huntersville, NC, United States
Introduction In response to a post on my personal blog, a reader suggested I publish a series of interviews in which editors "list, in excruciating details, all that each editor desires in his/her stories." Wow. What a great idea. Not only does this provide authors with specific information about what editors are looking for in the submissions they receive, it offers editors a venue for advertising their publications and getting the word out about what, in their opinion, constitutes "good writing." If you: 1. have a question or comment, 2. would like to suggest a publication, agent, or publisher for me to contact, or 3. are an editor, publisher, or agent and would like to participate in this project, please contact me at sixquestionsfor [at] gmail[dot]com.
Interests Writing, Reading, Classical Music, Blogging
Favorite Music Classical at home and in the car, 70s-present rock and roll when I workout.