Illustre Feccia

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Introduction In this piece many preoccupations appear in a variety of dark and surreal shapes. These are the product of every legalised injustice, they show themselves there without embarrassment. Monsters that society hides, hypocrital words of politicians, behind the shiny of the glass windows of the huge multinationals that invest capital in imperialist wars, in gentrification projects to get rid of all the poor people in cities.Aliens,Freaks, Centipedes, weird Brands coming out of radioactive dumps and everyday fears, sometimes appear in glas jars with absurds slogans writen on it, vegetative and dynamic structures or terrible humanised monsters like grotesque oppressors. So in this way with a magical or excorsising intention, I present them here to you, denouncing reality.
Interests SpiritiLiberi, LibriPoetici, AvventureImprobabili, Musica, AnomaliaIconoclasta, Illustrazione/Fumetto, OnestaDelinquenza, NaturaInfinita, Cinema, Pittura.
Favorite Movies Shining, Santo sangre, Il monello, L'uomo che non c'era, Berlinguer ti voglio bene, Barton Fink, Arancia meccanica, Up, If, Sotto zero, Four rooms, Taxi driver La mosca, Indagine d'un cittadino al di sopra di ogni sospetto, Il marchese del grillo, L'odio, Into the wilde
Favorite Music PUnx: Nero Orgasmo, Black Flag, Joy Division, Scrugners, Iggy POP, Dead Kennedis.Garage- Psychedelia - Stoner- Sludge - Metal- Grunge
Favorite Books Il lupo della steppa, Il barone rampante Italo Calvino, L'unico e la sua proprieta' Max Stirner, Il ritratto di Dorian Gray Oscar Wilde, Illuminazioni Arthur Rimbaud, Maestro e Margherita