Allison Brown

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Location Dunedin, New Zealand
Introduction I am an Australian who is currently living and working in New Zealand.
I love having the opportunity to share my writing with others through my blogs, especially with those friends who I had begun to email all the time with my poetry.
Please feel free to leave comments about any of my poems or about either of my blogs.
Welcome to my dream...
Interests Poetry, blogging, games of all varieties, music, reading, information literacy, Star Trek, Star Wars and pretty much any sort of sci-fi
Favorite Movies Serenity + in the world of tv Firefly, M*A*S*H, Dr Who, Star Trek
Favorite Music Doch, the sound of birds and the ocean
Favorite Books Color Purple, Ceremony, New Frontier series by Peter David.

When you hesitate before hitting snooze on your alarm clock, are you being lazy?

I normally reset the time for my alarm. It makes me think that I am at least doing something towards sitting up and so I may eventually get out of bed.