Colin Dale

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About me

Gender Male
Industry Arts
Occupation Tattoo Artist
Location Copenhagen, Denmark
Interests Art, Anthropology and Archaeology, Cultural Tattooing, Boxing and Kickboxing, Motorcycles from the 1950's and 60's, Films, books and movies from the same era, Dead things as well as bright and shiney things :-)
Favorite Movies Usually like particular directors more than specific films... Stanley Kubrick, The Coen Brothers, Chuck Jones, Tim Burton, David Lynch, Jim Jarmusch, Guillermo del Toro, Sam Peckinpah, Sergio Leone, Akira Kurosawa, Miyazaki Hayao, John Lasseter, Quintin Tarantino, Guy Richie, Pavel Klushanstev, Jean-Pierre Jeanet & Marc Caro, etc, etc. 1950's and 60's B-movies, Cult classics, The Adventures of Robin Hood and anything by Ray Harryhausen
Favorite Music When I'm up... The Beatles and "The King". When I'm down... Johnny Cash, Tom Waits and Nick Cave. Other than that... I like just about everything. 50's Beat, 60's Psychadelic, 70's Punk... However I have yet to learn an appreciation for Rap or Disco
Favorite Books Pulp Fiction specifically Fantasy and Sci-Fi from before July 21 1969, Comic books, Graphic Novels and "Harold and his Purple Crayon". Anything that has been made into a film and anything by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (may he rest in Peace)