Secret Victorianist

My blogs

Blogs I follow

About me

Gender Female
Location London, United Kingdom
Introduction Welcome to The Secret Victorianist – a blog dedicated to lesser known nineteenth-century literature. I’ll be writing articles and reviews about the Victorian literature I love – novels which were bestsellers in their time but are now forgotten, plays which entertained for decades on the nineteenth-century stage – sharing points of interest I’ve noticed and advising on how to get your hands on rarer texts. About me: I have two degrees from University of Oxford, but this blog isn’t just for academics. It’s for anyone who enjoys reading and the texts it concentrates on are those which I think would still appeal today. I now work in marketing and communications, but reading, and writing about what I read, remains a source of pleasure to me. So, on this blog, I’ll share the other side of me – as a Secret Victorianist – letting you in on the hidden treasures I’ve been lucky enough to come across and discovering more from you along the way.
Interests Literature, fiction, drama, poetry, Victorians, nineteenth century, 19th century, English, writing, novels, periodicals
Favorite Books Middlemarch, The Woman in White, Villette, Lady Audley's Secret, Phineas Finn, A Tale of Two Cities, The Return of the Native