Elder Russ

My blogs

About me

Gender Male
Industry Non-Profit
Occupation Healthcare Executive
Location Attleboro, MA, United States
Introduction Welcome to my Blog where I will be sharing biblical principles God has revealed to me over the past 35 years that have made a difference in my life, and I pray will make a difference in yours. The first several blogs will deal with faith, the foundation for everything else in God's Word, which is why I named this blog "Faith Principles" and chose the banner I did. After faith, principles related to prosperity, authority and manhood will be covered along with others. So I pray you are blessed and decide to follow my blog. I also encourage and welcome your feedback and comments. Elder Russ.
Interests Golf, Movies, Going out to Dinner, Travel, Watching Sports
Favorite Movies The Passions of The Christ, Coach Carter, Life
Favorite Music Gospel, Contempary Jazz
Favorite Books The Bible, The One Minute Manager, I Wrote This Book on Purpose so You can find Yours, Kingdom Prosperity (my soon to be published first book).

What will you be able to say on that day when you stand before the judgement seat of God, and what will God's response be?